Live Journal Problems with Like and Expand buttons

Posted on Categories Announcement
These have been the subject of some discussion here in recent weeks. I wrote to Live Journal about them and have just received this reply:

“Thank you for inquiry and I apologize for a delay with the reply.

“You’ve submitted two request regarding comment features (Like and Expand buttons) affected by the same issue, so we’ll address them both in this request.

“This was a temporary issue that has since been resolved by LiveJournal developers. I apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused.”

I’d noticed myself that they seem to have been okay for a couple of days, but please post a comment if they are still affecting you. 

2 comments on “Live Journal Problems with Like and Expand buttons”

  1. I’ve never understood, why is there the expand/collapse functionality in Comments?
    I’d rather they were always fully expanded in the first place – or could there be an “Expand All” button?
    Same goes for multiple pages too

    For a free service, it is very good though and there’s not really any cause for whinging

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