Happy New Year to all my readers!
I am not sure whether it was Christmas overindulgence or not being on the setter’s wavelength but this one took me longer than it should have done. I needed to check 44D, but I do vaguely recall it from a past puzzle.
Across |
1 BOGUS – BUS = coach, around O.G. = own goal = blunder by defender | |
4 ABIDJAN – ABID(e) = put up with, JAN(uary) = few weeks | |
8 PAPARAZZO – P.A., P.A. = a year, repeated, RAZZ = kid, O(ld) | |
13 INITIATES (TEST, A, N(ew) I, I, I)* | |
14 SEWING MACHINE – SWING = jazz, around E = energy, ME = note, around A CHIN = a punch | |
15 ELECTRO – hidden reversed in shORT CELEbrity | |
16 GOLDWYN – GWYN = actress, favourite of royal, around OLD = familiar | |
17 EULOGIA – GOALIE* around U(nited) | |
18 POCKET-HANDKERCHIEF – POCKET = appropriate, HAND = give, K(ing), E.R. = queen, CHIEF = most important | |
21 NIGH – NIGH(t) = stay in hotel | |
23 AILANTHUS – LIANA*, THUS = like this | |
25 TE-HEED – TE = note, HEED = note | |
26 METTLE – sounds like METAL = lead | |
28 EXPERIMENTAL – EX = out of, PERI(l) = danger, MENTAL = mad | |
30 STREETWISE – STREET = a way, WE around IS | |
33 STOPPING BY – STOPPING = plugging, BY = times | |
34 AIRPORT NOVEL – AIR = bearing, PORT = left, NOVEL = fresh | |
37 ABBESS – AB = muscle, BE = act as, S.S. = bodyguard | |
39 RIYADH – H(ot), DAY = date, I = one, R = romeo, all reversed | |
42 TONK – KNOT = turks head, perhaps, reversed | |
43 LOCK STOCK AND BARREL – LOCK = forward (rugby), STOCK = merchandise, AND = adding, BARREL = vat | |
46 TOUGHIE – TUG = yank, around O = oscar, HIE = hurry | |
47 RACQUET – R.A.C. = motorists, QUE = that in French, (cour)T | |
48 OPEN DAY – OP = work, END = objective, AY = indeed | |
51 UP-HELLY-AA – UP = at college, HE’LL = the chap’s going to, alternate letters in pYjAmAs | |
52 SANTANDER – SAN = health resort, TAN = function, DER = RED = radical, reversed | |
53 TURNKEY – TURN = go off, KEY = principal | |
54 OWNED – (d)OWNED = drunk | |
Down |
1 BOILERPLATE – BOILER = chicken, PLATE = dish. Also cryptically as a down clue BOILER is put on PLATE which could be the instruction to assemble a chicken dish | |
2 GRIPE – G(ood), RIPE = ready | |
3 SAINT BERNARD PASS – SPAS, around AINT A RD = isn’t a road, itself around BERN = Swiss capital | |
4 ANTIOCH – A, N.T. = books, I.O.C. = Olympic bigwigs, H = hotel | |
5 ISSIGONIS – I = one, (SIGN IS SO)*. The inventor/designer of the Morris Minor | |
6 JUST LIKE THAT – double definition, the second mildly cryptic | |
7 NEWSWORTHY – NEW = a stranger, SWOR(e) = cursed, THY = your | |
8 PINON – PIN ON = attach to | |
9 PAMPERED PAM = girl, P = pee, ERE = before, D(aughter) | |
10 RACILY – RAY = light, around C.I. = Jersey etc, and L(arge) | |
11 ZEITGEIST – (SEIZE, G, T)* | |
12 OVERACHIEVE – O(ld), VERA, EVE = ladies around C(hances) and HI = welcome | |
19 CALYPSO – hidden in sCALY PSOriatic | |
20 HEELTAP – HEEL = list, TAP = milk. This answer was in Jumbo 1348 which I also blogged, and although the wordplay split the solution the same way the cryptics were different | |
22 MEET ONES WATERLOO – MEET = tournament, ONES = singles, WATER = weaken, LOO = can | |
24 HUMANE – HUE = shade, around MAN = chap | |
27 HENRY V – HEN = female, R.V. = interpretation of the bible, around Y = unknown | |
29 NIBLICK – NIB = tip for writer, LICK = light coat | |
31 INVADER – (DRIVEN, A)* | |
32 NIGHTCLUBBER – NIGHT sounds like KNIGHT = piece, CLUBBER = striker | |
33 SHANTY TOWNS – SHAN’T = I’m not going to, YTS around OWN = have | |
36 GANTT CHART – (THAT GRANT, C(heque))* | |
38 BANTUSTAN – BAN = prohibition, TN = Tennessee, around US = American and T.A. = volunteers | |
40 A FAST BUCK – double definition, the first cryptic as does are female deer or rabbits, and bucks are males | |
41 HOMELAND – HOD = scuttle, around MELAN(choly) = black dog | |
44 DROSHKY – DOSH = ready, around R = queen, KY = commonwealth state (Kentucky, not Kenya, I think) | |
45 THALIA – hidden in truTH A LIAbility | |
47 RUDER – RUD(d)ER = helm | |
49 DOYEN – DO = note, YEN = long |
I wasn’t sure about ‘cynical’ / STREETWISE but I see Chambers throws it in as a last-minute supplementary definition.
Edited at 2019-01-05 06:48 am (UTC)
By contrast the utterly daft and unlikely-looking UP-HELLY-AA is so clearly indicated that you have to put it in even if you can’t quite believe it. Shame it couldn’t all have been like that.
Edited at 2019-01-05 05:42 pm (UTC)