Jumbo 1333

Posted on Categories Jumbo Cryptic
I don’t think I was ever on the setter’s wavelength on this one and it was a bit of a struggle, although looking back I cannot see any reason for that. It was a fair test.

38D raised a smile, and there were a couple of less common devices in the wordplay (40D and 18A).

1 CLINGFILM – CLING = grip, to the left of FILM = movie
6 SITTING PRETTY – SITTING = governing, PRETTY = fairly
13 NESTS – NESS = loch, around (fores)T
14 PERIODONTAL – PERIOD = stretch, ON, TAL(k) = conversation
15 CLANG – C(aught), LANG = Fritz
16 RUN TO GROUND – double definition, the second cryptic and assuming that the ground is at the bottom of the stairs
18 TERMINI – hidden in minisTER, MINIster = two ministers together
20 YAMMERS – Y(outh), ‘AMMERS = West Ham = team in East London
21 FLORIDA – FLO, IDA = two women, around R(epublican)
23 MIND-YOUR-OWN-BUSINESS – a kind of double definition, referring to a fast spreading plant
27 PHI – PH 1 = very acid = a long way from base
28 SUPPLY – double definition
29 CYPHER – CYPR(us) = EU member, around H.E. = ambassador
31 EUCLIDEAN – EN = space, around UCL = London university and IDEA = theory
34 BOY SCOUTS – B(u)S, around (US COYOT(e))*
35 PEDLAR – hidden in schlepPED LARge
36 ESSAYS – ESS = letter, around SAY = eg
39 OVA – (br)AVO = well done, reversed
40 DIRTY TRICKS CAMPAIGN – (RAID MP ACTING)* around Y = unknown and TRICKS = prostitute’s client
42 ATHLETE – A, THE = articles, around LET = licence
43 TEMPTED – TEMP = work as sub, T(ime), ED = editor
45 OLDSTER – ‘OLDS = ‘as, TER(m) = allotted time
47 DRESSES DOWN – DRESSES = trims, DOWN = feathers
49 TYPEWRITTEN – (PRINT TWEET)*, around Y(en)
51 ULTRA – (ART(f)UL)*
52 ARBITRAGEUR – A(rea), R(un), BIT = took hold of, RAG = newspaper, EUR = European
53 TENCH – (s)TENCH = stink
54 THREE OF HEARTS – THREE = triple, OF HEART = cardiac, (bypas)S
55 ENSCONCED – END = purpose, around SCONE = Scotland’s royal seat, around C = Charlie

1 CONTRETEMPS – CON MPS = Tory politicians, around TRE(a)T = deal, and E(uropean)
2 INSANER – IN, SAN = hospital, E.R. = emergency ward
3 GISMO – GO = drive, around ISM = distinct doctrine
4 IMPERVIOUS – IMPIOUS = irreverent, around E.R. = queen and V(ictoria)
5 MERCURY – MERRY = having had a few, around CU = metallic element
6 SWORDSMANSHIP – S(mall), WORDS = talk, MANS = fellow’s, HIP = on trend
7 TROUSSEAU – TROUS(er)S = pants, EAU = UAE = Arab states, reversed
8 ISTHMUS – (SUITS)* around H.M. = king
9 GOLDEN FLEECE – (OF LEGEND)* around LEEC(h) = bloodthirsty creature
10 RECEPTORS – RECTORS = clergy, around EP = record
11 TRAMP – TRAM = public vehicle, P(arking)
12 YUGOSLAVIAN – YUG = GUY = chap, reversed, OSL(o) = capital, AVIAN = bird
19 IDYLLIC – DIY*, followed by C = roughly, and ILL = badly, reversed together
22 IMPRESARI – IMP(u)RE = morally wrong, SARI = dress
24 NAPPY RASH – NY = city, around APP = program, RASH = ill-thought out
25 ODYSSEY – (b)ODY = corpse. SEY = YES = quite, reversed, around S(hocking)
26 ICECAPS – ICE = cool, CAPS = headgear
30 REDUCE TO TEARS – REDUCE = cut down, TOTS = drinks, around EAR = audience
32 INSIPID – IN = trendy, SIP = drink, I’D = this setter had
33 QUARTERSTAFF – QUARTER STAFF = sack 75% of workforce
34 BOOM AND BUST – BOOM = MOOB = man’s breast, reversed, AND = with, BUST = woman’s (breast)
37 SUN-DRENCHED – HUNDREDS*, around ENC(losed)
38 CAN OF WORMS – CAN = prison, (diet) OF WORMS. I am sure that still makes kids laugh in a history lesson
40 DEEP SPACE – DEEPS = SPEED reversed, PACE = two race-winning qualities
41 RUMINATOR – RUM = drink, IN A, TOR = prominent feature of landscape
43 TROUBLE – T(ime), ROUBLE = Tsarina’s bread
44 DEPLETE – DELETE = purge, around P(ower)
48 ENTER – (c)ENTER = downtown area in San Francisco
50 INTRO – IN, (cas)TRO

4 comments on “Jumbo 1333”

  1. I have no comments in the printed copy, and can’t remember anything about this. DNK MIND-YOUR-OWN-BUSINESS. 48d: The downtown area in SF is called ‘downtown’; I think ‘downtown area in SF’ is simply indicating the US spelling of ‘center’.
  2. I took 74:33 to do this one, so about 15 minutes below average. I struggled to choose between PSI and PHI for 27a, so a lucky guess! Thanks for the proper parsing. Clever! I agree with Kevin on centre/center for downtown. Nice puzzle. Thanks setter and sgh.

    Edited at 2018-07-28 12:51 pm (UTC)

  3. Thanks for the blog and esp for that (27 Across) which completely stumped me. Could not see which of that or PSI was the answer. Did not think of the acidity idea.
  4. FOI TITANIC. The ‘your’ in 23a spoiled my grid as l went for the standard ‘ones’. Had PSI for PHI. Vaguely remember PH from Chemistry lessons in the early 80s.Thanks SG for blog.

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