Nothing particularly problematic in this, just a couple of things to check after solving (15D, part of 19D and the definition part of 35D).
A couple of words (26A and 28D) that I have only ever seen in crosswords, but reasonably frequently there.
Across | |
1 KNEES-UP – KNEE = KEEN = eager, with N = name moved forward, SUP = have a meal | |
5 POSTHORN – POOR = impecunious, around STH = south, (musicia)N | |
9 PODIUM – POD = school, I = one, U = upper, M(aster) | |
13 THE VENERABLE BEDE – THE = article, around all of EVEN = just, E.R. = queen, ABLE = skilled, and B.ED. = teacher | |
14 PENTAD – PEN = write, AD = publicity, around T(his) | |
16 CARILLON – CALL ON = visit, around R.I. = Rhode Island | |
17 USER – U.S. = American, ER = hesitation | |
18 OTHERNESS – SHOT*, around ERNES = sea eagles | |
20 TITANATE – TIT = bird, AN, ATE = avenging goddess | |
21 AGRICULTURE – A, GRI(m) = harsh, CULTURE = way of life | |
24 NEOPHYTES – ONE*, PHYTES sounds like FIGHTS = battles | |
25 INHUMANE – IN = trendy, HUE = colour, around MAN = crew | |
26 ADIT – A, D(aughter), I.T. = computer studies | |
29 ENTHRALLING – double definition | |
31 RALLENTANDO – (LAND LATER ON)*. I have seen this word in crosswords before | |
33 PANHELLENIC – PANIC = alarm, around H(ard) and ELLEN = woman | |
36 MOUNTAIN CAT – MOUNT = horse, (IN A)*, CAT = a sailing vessel | |
38 LYRE – sounds like LIAR = story-teller | |
39 EREMITIC – ERIC = fellow, around EMIT = broadcast | |
41 COOKHOUSE – COHO USE = provision of salmon, around OK = right | |
44 CHAIN LETTER – CHATTER = tittle-tattle, around LINE* | |
45 EMERGENT – EMER = R.E.M.E. = army corps, reversed, GENT = bloke | |
48 ADDRESSER – A, DRESSER = surgeon’s assistant | |
49 ITEM – I, TEM = MET = encountered, reversed | |
50 ETHEREAL – E.T. = film, HERE = this place, AL = a chap | |
52 BELONG – BE LONG = take a lot of time | |
53 CALL A SPADE A SPADE – double definition, the second mildly cryptic | |
54 RUGGED – double definition, the second mildly cryptic where RUG = wig | |
55 BETRAYER – BEER = drink, around TRAY = device for carrying | |
56 SANDPIT – SPIT = TIPS = hints, reversed, around AND = joiner | |
Down | |
1 KITSCH – KIT = equipment, SCH = school | |
2 EXEDRA – EX = former, ED = journalist, R.A. = art establishment | |
3 SHELLFISH – S(econd), HELLISH = rotten, around F(emale) | |
5 PEAT – P = quietly, EAT = consume | |
6 SELF-SEEKING – SEE KING = visit monarch, around ELF = mischief-maker and S(on) | |
7 HABERDASHER – HER, around A,B = keys, DASHER = reindeer | |
10 OVERRULE – OVER = deliveries, RUE = Parisian street, around L(eft) | |
11 IN THE PUDDING CLUB – double definition, the second mildly cryptic | |
12 MODISTE – MODE = fashion, around I = current and ST(reet) = way | |
15 CHACONNE – CH(urch), A, CONNE sounds like CON = criminal | |
19 FAUSTIAN – A(ttired) in FUSTIAN = hard-wearing fabric | |
22 INTERPOL – (w)INTER POL(l) = December election | |
23 COST AN ARM AND A LEG – double definition, the second mildly cryptic | |
27 TROUTLET – TOUT = hawk, LET = obstruction, around R(iver) | |
28 ETUI – (magistrat)E, TUI sounds like TWEE = very sentimental | |
30 REEF – hidden in aRE EFfectively | |
32 LAUNCHER – LUNCHER = person taking courses, around A | |
34 LARGESSE – (REGALES, S(on))* | |
35 CATERPILLAR – CATER = provide, PILLAR = upright support. A wall is a type of butterfly | |
36 MACKEREL SKY – cryptic definition | |
37 THOUGHTLESS – THOUGH = albeit, LESS = not so much, around T(ory) | |
40 MOTORCADE – MAD = crazy, around O(ld), and TORC = armband, E(astern) | |
42 HANGERS-ON – (wealt)H, ANGER = enrage, SON = family member | |
43 INTERNEE – INTER = between, N(ewgat)E, E = echo | |
44 CHAMBER – CHAR = daily help, around M.B.E. = honour | |
46 DECAMP – DAMP = unhealthy condition, around E.C. = city | |
47 ALBERT – ALERT = warning, around B(lack) | |
51 HAAR – HR = hour, around A, A = articles |
CHACONNE I was sort of aware of as a musical term: apparently as well as his celebrated Canon, Pachelbel wrote a few, as did Bach (and numerous other Baroque composers).
As an amputee Motabilty car driver Mrs Z is happy to point out she got it on the cheap as it only COST…A LEG. Hilarity all round!
I think you may have missed ABLE out when explaining 13A (… BEDE). Thanks to setter and blogger.