Jumbo 1265

Posted on Categories Jumbo Cryptic
A puzzle that I thought was easier than average, with only one unknown (albeit clearly clued) word.

Definitions are underlined, * = anagram, {} = omission, dd = double definition, cd = cryptic definition

1 Red vehicle by tunnel (7)
CARMINECAR (vehicle) + MINE (tunnel)
5 Game plans (8)
9 Party fellow touring one region (6)
DOMAINDO (Party) + MAN (fellow) around I (one)
13 Impression of sale going wrong, not making as much money as some? (16)
14 Good person called: tied up (6)
STRUNGST (Good person) + RUNG (called)
16 Possibly happiest words in grave situations (8)
17 When darkness starts to fall, organised activity cut short (4)
EVENEVEN{t} (organised activity cut short)
18 Reserved little man meeting female, overwhelmed by scent (6,3)
SPOKEN FORKEN (little man) + F (female), in SPOOR (scent)
20 Race into northern river to find bird (8)
WHEATEARHEAT (Race) in WEAR (northern river)
21 Garage isn’t a bad place for getting men together (7,4)
24 These being good, one may get a hearing (9)
ACOUSTICS – cd, perhaps hoping to make you think of a trial. I would have thought that you would hear things regardless of whether the acoustics were good or bad.
25 A limit to growth in Highlands? (4,4)
26 Social climber maybe to get weepy hugging knight (4)
SNOBSOB (to get weepy) around N (knight)
29 Eager park kid playing, no quiet philosopher (11)
31 He or she maybe the winner of the bronze (5,6)
THIRD PERSON – literal interpretation
33 Attractive person, temptress by valley returning ill-groomed (11)
DISHEVELLEDDISH (Attractive person) + EVE (temptress) + reversal of DELL (valley)
36 How to make toil something that runs smoothly? Have a break (4,4,3)
TAKE TIME OFF – if you TAKE TIME OFF toil, you make {t}oil, which is something that runs smoothly
38 Kick a stake (4)
PUNT – dd
39 Whisky, mostly deficient cure for returning type of sickness (3,2,3)
MAL DE MERMAL{t} (Whisky mostly) + reversal of REMED{y} (deficient cure)
41 Passing article one’s put back in river (9)
TRANSIENTAN (article) + reversal of IS (one’s), in TRENT (river)
44 Fascinating madame entertaining leaders of English, standing up (11)
MESMERISINGMME (madame) around initial letters of E{nglish} + S{tanding), + RISING (up). One definition of up in Chambers is: “Placed, going or directed up”, which I suppose equates to rising.
45 Reason for restricting court something that should concern church? (8)
SANCTITYSANITY (Reason) around CT (court)
48 Fellow at rest having returned for some bread (9)
CHAPATTISCHAP (Fellow) + AT + reversal of SIT (rest). Interestingly, per Chambers the only other word fitting these checkers is CIABATTAS, which are another type of bread.
49 Quietly leaving fight after retreat in formations not straight (4)
ARCS – reversal of SCRA{p} (Quietly leaving fight)
50 Father taken in by West Africans with superior German woman (8)
HAUSFRAUFR (Father) in HAUSA (West Africans – Chambers: “A people living mainly in N Nigeria”), + U (superior)
52 Flap causing momentary lack of vision (6)
EYELID – cd, referring to blinking but hoping to make you think of a panic
53 Leak at the highest level? Get very angry (2,7,3,4)
GO THROUGH THE ROOF – literal interpretation
54 Returning from action, GIs need this American officer (6)
ENSIGN – hidden reversed in actioN GIS NEed. Chambers: “An officer of lowest commissioned rank in the US Navy”.
55 Part-time soldiers in rows having to admit mistake (8)
TERRIERSTIERS (rows) around ERR (mistake), this being a nickname for members of the Territorial Army (now known as the Army Reserve)
56 Debauched fellow doing wrong gets paid (5,2)
RAKES INRAKE (Debauched fellow) + SIN (doing wrong)
1 Trader paid price with a bit of hesitation (6)
COSTERCOST (paid price) + ER (a bit of hesitation)
2 About to go to sea or stop behind? (6)
REMAINRE (About) + MAIN (sea)
3 Questions this person’s excellent examples (9)
IMPEACHESIM (this person’s) + PEACHES (excellent examples)
4 Vestment brought up and put on Her Majesty, a ruler bringing a new era (5-6)
EPOCH-MAKING – Reversal of COPE (Vestment), + HM (Her Majesty) + A + KING (ruler)
5 At stag parties don’t expect these acts (4)
DOES – literal interpretation, as a party of stags (in the sense of deer) would not contain any does
6 Declared to be someone idiotic, always a rebellious youngster once (11)
ASSEVERATEDASS (someone idiotic) + EVER (always) + A + TED (rebellious youngster once)
7 Reason the chap in group gets something for campers (11)
GROUNDSHEETGROUNDS (Reason), + HE (chap) in SET (group)
8 Distraught loner with a sat-nav, one lost in old region (9)
TRANSVAAL – (L{one}R A SAT-NAV)* Though no longer a province, I thought that the word was still in use to describe the region. Enjoyed the surface.
10 To have more importance than we ought, I fancy (8)
11 Strong challenge being what person in gold rush makes? (1,3,3,4,5)
A RUN FOR ONE’S MONEY – literal interpretation
12 Manner, say, in up-and-coming country (7)
NIGERIA – reversal of AIR (Manner) + EG (say) + IN
15 Signalled feeling first to last — first hint of depression (8)
MOTIONEDEMOTION (feeling) with the E moved to the end, + D{epression}
19 In sound, notice poles trouble a marine creature (3,5)
SEA SNAIL – homophone of SEE (notice), + SN (poles, i.e. South and North) + AIL (trouble)
22 Finished, ready to go on holiday northward? (6,2)
PACKED UPPACKED (ready to go on holiday) + UP (northward?)
23 Such influential people cannot be seen still? (6,3,7)
MOVERS AND SHAKERS – extended/cryptic definition, hoping to make you think of still in the sense of “as before” rather than stationary. From the poem called Ode, by Arthur O’Shaughnessy.
27 Covering start of night maybe worker is suitable for rewards (8)
BENEFITSBEE (maybe worker) around N{ight}, + FITS (is suitable for)
28 In manger Magi find tiny life form (4)
GERM – hidden in manGER Magi. Nice Epiphany-related surface.
30 Guard has to look up (4)
KEEP – reversal of PEEK (to look)
32 Work’s ending within current month and old-fashioned writer may need this (8)
INKSTAND – {Wor}K in INST (current month) + AND
34 Greek character, one arrived from the south, to get very thin (8)
EMACIATE – reversal of ETA (Greek character) + I (one) + CAME (arrived)
35 Social scientist’s protest little good — criticise that woman (11)
DEMOGRAPHERDEMO (protest) + G (little good) + RAP (criticise) + HER (that woman)
36 Reciter hops around, this muse being the inspiration? (11)
TERPSICHORE – (RECITER HOPS)*, to give the muse of choral song and dance
37 Good health may be what he wishes for (11)
40 Moulding pathetic person’s character (9)
DRIPSTONEDRIP’S (pathetic person’s) + TONE (character), to give (Chambers): “A projecting moulding over a doorway, etc, serving to throw off the rain”. Didn’t know this word but the wordplay seemed clear.
42 Drunk sailor on a high, as one might say (2,2,5)
SO TO SPEAKSOT (Drunk) + OS (sailor) + PEAK (a high)
43 Rebuking player ultimately involved in defeat (8)
BERATING – {playe}R in BEATING (defeat)
44 Accomplice keeps calm initially with explosive weapon (7)
MACHETEMATE (Accomplice), around C{alm} + HE (explosive)
46 Revolutionary play about old soldiers (6)
TROOPS – reversal of SPORT (play) about O (old)
47 Awkwardly managin’ a cake (6)
MUFFINMUFFIN‘ (Awkwardly managin’)
51 A fuel for cookers and heaters (4)
AGASA + GAS (fuel for cookers)

7 comments on “Jumbo 1265”

  1. This seems to have left little impression on me at the time; I’ve got no marginal notes other than that 15d was my LOI. I put in TAKE TIME OUT at 36ac, which no doubt delayed my getting BENEFITS. DNK DRIPSTONE, but as Mohn says. I didn’t realize ENSIGN was only a US Navy rank.
    1. According to Wikipedia, it exists in some other armed forces too, e.g. the New Zealand navy, not to mention it is the “most junior officer rank throughout the Star Trek Universe”, but it seems to have been phased out of the British Army in favour of second lieutenant back in 1871. Chambers also has one definition as: “A soldier who carries the Colours”, though per Wikipedia that only seems to apply to ceremonial events such as Trooping the Colour rather than battlefield formations.
  2. I didn’t get round to this at the time, so I’ve only just done it, and therefore I actually have some memory of it for a change. I only solved four or five clues on my first pass through the acrosses, and generally it felt pretty tricky all the way through. But then somehow I finished it in 23 minutes, so it was actually pretty straightforward. Curious!
  3. Came to know of AGAS from crosswordland.A jumbo of above average difficulty for me.Was 1264 blogged?
      1. OT but your Hong Kong-bequeathed crosswording nickname makes an appearance in today’s Mephisto clues.

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