A puzzle that I thought was easier than average, with only one unknown (albeit clearly clued) word.
Definitions are underlined, * = anagram, {} = omission, dd = double definition, cd = cryptic definition
Across | |
1 | Red vehicle by tunnel (7) |
CARMINE – CAR (vehicle) + MINE (tunnel) | |
5 | Game plans (8) |
DRAUGHTS – dd | |
9 | Party fellow touring one region (6) |
DOMAIN – DO (Party) + MAN (fellow) around I (one) | |
13 | Impression of sale going wrong, not making as much money as some? (16) |
14 | Good person called: tied up (6) |
STRUNG – ST (Good person) + RUNG (called) | |
16 | Possibly happiest words in grave situations (8) |
17 | When darkness starts to fall, organised activity cut short (4) |
EVEN – EVEN{t} (organised activity cut short) | |
18 | Reserved little man meeting female, overwhelmed by scent (6,3) |
SPOKEN FOR – KEN (little man) + F (female), in SPOOR (scent) | |
20 | Race into northern river to find bird (8) |
WHEATEAR – HEAT (Race) in WEAR (northern river) | |
21 | Garage isn’t a bad place for getting men together (7,4) |
24 | These being good, one may get a hearing (9) |
ACOUSTICS – cd, perhaps hoping to make you think of a trial. I would have thought that you would hear things regardless of whether the acoustics were good or bad. | |
25 | A limit to growth in Highlands? (4,4) |
TREE LINE – cd | |
26 | Social climber maybe to get weepy hugging knight (4) |
SNOB – SOB (to get weepy) around N (knight) | |
29 | Eager park kid playing, no quiet philosopher (11) |
31 | He or she maybe the winner of the bronze (5,6) |
THIRD PERSON – literal interpretation | |
33 | Attractive person, temptress by valley returning ill-groomed (11) |
DISHEVELLED – DISH (Attractive person) + EVE (temptress) + reversal of DELL (valley) | |
36 | How to make toil something that runs smoothly? Have a break (4,4,3) |
TAKE TIME OFF – if you TAKE TIME OFF toil, you make {t}oil, which is something that runs smoothly | |
38 | Kick a stake (4) |
PUNT – dd | |
39 | Whisky, mostly deficient cure for returning type of sickness (3,2,3) |
MAL DE MER – MAL{t} (Whisky mostly) + reversal of REMED{y} (deficient cure) | |
41 | Passing article one’s put back in river (9) |
TRANSIENT – AN (article) + reversal of IS (one’s), in TRENT (river) | |
44 | Fascinating madame entertaining leaders of English, standing up (11) |
MESMERISING – MME (madame) around initial letters of E{nglish} + S{tanding), + RISING (up). One definition of up in Chambers is: “Placed, going or directed up”, which I suppose equates to rising. | |
45 | Reason for restricting court something that should concern church? (8) |
SANCTITY – SANITY (Reason) around CT (court) | |
48 | Fellow at rest having returned for some bread (9) |
CHAPATTIS – CHAP (Fellow) + AT + reversal of SIT (rest). Interestingly, per Chambers the only other word fitting these checkers is CIABATTAS, which are another type of bread. | |
49 | Quietly leaving fight after retreat in formations not straight (4) |
ARCS – reversal of SCRA{p} (Quietly leaving fight) | |
50 | Father taken in by West Africans with superior German woman (8) |
HAUSFRAU – FR (Father) in HAUSA (West Africans – Chambers: “A people living mainly in N Nigeria”), + U (superior) | |
52 | Flap causing momentary lack of vision (6) |
EYELID – cd, referring to blinking but hoping to make you think of a panic | |
53 | Leak at the highest level? Get very angry (2,7,3,4) |
GO THROUGH THE ROOF – literal interpretation | |
54 | Returning from action, GIs need this American officer (6) |
ENSIGN – hidden reversed in actioN GIS NEed. Chambers: “An officer of lowest commissioned rank in the US Navy”. | |
55 | Part-time soldiers in rows having to admit mistake (8) |
TERRIERS – TIERS (rows) around ERR (mistake), this being a nickname for members of the Territorial Army (now known as the Army Reserve) | |
56 | Debauched fellow doing wrong gets paid (5,2) |
RAKES IN – RAKE (Debauched fellow) + SIN (doing wrong) |
Down | |
1 | Trader paid price with a bit of hesitation (6) |
COSTER – COST (paid price) + ER (a bit of hesitation) | |
2 | About to go to sea or stop behind? (6) |
REMAIN – RE (About) + MAIN (sea) | |
3 | Questions this person’s excellent examples (9) |
IMPEACHES – IM (this person’s) + PEACHES (excellent examples) | |
4 | Vestment brought up and put on Her Majesty, a ruler bringing a new era (5-6) |
EPOCH-MAKING – Reversal of COPE (Vestment), + HM (Her Majesty) + A + KING (ruler) | |
5 | At stag parties don’t expect these acts (4) |
DOES – literal interpretation, as a party of stags (in the sense of deer) would not contain any does | |
6 | Declared to be someone idiotic, always a rebellious youngster once (11) |
ASSEVERATED – ASS (someone idiotic) + EVER (always) + A + TED (rebellious youngster once) | |
7 | Reason the chap in group gets something for campers (11) |
GROUNDSHEET – GROUNDS (Reason), + HE (chap) in SET (group) | |
8 | Distraught loner with a sat-nav, one lost in old region (9) |
TRANSVAAL – (L{one}R A SAT-NAV)* Though no longer a province, I thought that the word was still in use to describe the region. Enjoyed the surface. | |
10 | To have more importance than we ought, I fancy (8) |
11 | Strong challenge being what person in gold rush makes? (1,3,3,4,5) |
A RUN FOR ONE’S MONEY – literal interpretation | |
12 | Manner, say, in up-and-coming country (7) |
NIGERIA – reversal of AIR (Manner) + EG (say) + IN | |
15 | Signalled feeling first to last — first hint of depression (8) |
MOTIONED – EMOTION (feeling) with the E moved to the end, + D{epression} | |
19 | In sound, notice poles trouble a marine creature (3,5) |
SEA SNAIL – homophone of SEE (notice), + SN (poles, i.e. South and North) + AIL (trouble) | |
22 | Finished, ready to go on holiday northward? (6,2) |
PACKED UP – PACKED (ready to go on holiday) + UP (northward?) | |
23 | Such influential people cannot be seen still? (6,3,7) |
MOVERS AND SHAKERS – extended/cryptic definition, hoping to make you think of still in the sense of “as before” rather than stationary. From the poem called Ode, by Arthur O’Shaughnessy. | |
27 | Covering start of night maybe worker is suitable for rewards (8) |
BENEFITS – BEE (maybe worker) around N{ight}, + FITS (is suitable for) | |
28 | In manger Magi find tiny life form (4) |
GERM – hidden in manGER Magi. Nice Epiphany-related surface. | |
30 | Guard has to look up (4) |
KEEP – reversal of PEEK (to look) | |
32 | Work’s ending within current month and old-fashioned writer may need this (8) |
INKSTAND – {Wor}K in INST (current month) + AND | |
34 | Greek character, one arrived from the south, to get very thin (8) |
EMACIATE – reversal of ETA (Greek character) + I (one) + CAME (arrived) | |
35 | Social scientist’s protest little good — criticise that woman (11) |
DEMOGRAPHER – DEMO (protest) + G (little good) + RAP (criticise) + HER (that woman) | |
36 | Reciter hops around, this muse being the inspiration? (11) |
TERPSICHORE – (RECITER HOPS)*, to give the muse of choral song and dance | |
37 | Good health may be what he wishes for (11) |
40 | Moulding pathetic person’s character (9) |
DRIPSTONE – DRIP’S (pathetic person’s) + TONE (character), to give (Chambers): “A projecting moulding over a doorway, etc, serving to throw off the rain”. Didn’t know this word but the wordplay seemed clear. | |
42 | Drunk sailor on a high, as one might say (2,2,5) |
SO TO SPEAK – SOT (Drunk) + OS (sailor) + PEAK (a high) | |
43 | Rebuking player ultimately involved in defeat (8) |
BERATING – {playe}R in BEATING (defeat) | |
44 | Accomplice keeps calm initially with explosive weapon (7) |
MACHETE – MATE (Accomplice), around C{alm} + HE (explosive) | |
46 | Revolutionary play about old soldiers (6) |
TROOPS – reversal of SPORT (play) about O (old) | |
47 | Awkwardly managin’ a cake (6) |
MUFFIN – MUFFIN‘ (Awkwardly managin’) | |
51 | A fuel for cookers and heaters (4) |
AGAS – A + GAS (fuel for cookers) |