This was the one published on the first May Bank Holiday
Nothing too controversial, just a couple clues with tricky wordplay to sort out
Across | |
1 UP FOR GRABS – UP FOR = available and willing, GABS = talks, around (Octobe)R | |
6 SWALLOWTAILS – SWALLOW = buy, TAIL sounds like TALE = yarn, S(mall) | |
14 DOUGHTIER – DOUGH = money, TIER = line | |
15 ORSON – OR SO = roughly, (spoke)N, where the removed spoke = rung | |
16 SHIPFUL – (PLUSH IF)* | |
18 BARER – BAR = railing, E.R. = monarch | |
19 HUNGARY – HUNGARY = in need of fare, around A | |
21 MEKONG – MEG = March girl (the March family were the girls in Little Women), around K.O. = floor and N(ote) | |
22 GAME FOWL – GAME = prepared, FOWL sounds like FOUL = offensive. I believe the “winged fighters” definition refers to the use of game fowl as fighting cocks | |
24 SATISFY – SAY = for one, around F(ine) and SIT = pose, reversed | |
26 SLIPSHOD – SLIP = women’s underwear, SHOD = wearing boots, perhaps | |
27 SIN TAX – S(on), IN TAX(i) = coming by cab | |
30 NORTH UTSIRE – (THO RETURN IS)*. North Utsire is one of the areas in the UK Shipping Forecast for any overseas solvers struggling with the definition | |
33 SEVEN-LEAGUE – SEVE = golfer, N(ew), LEAGUE = competition | |
35 HEARTBROKEN – HEAR = pick up, TOKEN = coupon, around BR(other) | |
37 AGNAIL – AG = shiny metal, NAIL = pin | |
38 JOKINGLY – JO = girl, KINGLY = sovereign | |
39 DIMWITS – DIM = cloudy, W(hiskey), IT’S = vermouth’s | |
42 THINGAMY – THIN = fine, GAMY = spirited | |
44 HIPPIC – HIP = stylish, PIC = photograph | |
46 STOPGAP – POT’S = drug’s, around A G.P. = a doctor, all reversed | |
48 POLKA – POLK = old president, A | |
51 NOMADIC – NO’ MAD = sound (sane), Scottish, alternate letters in InCh | |
52 MAINS – MAS = old women, around IN = home | |
54 SECOND TO NONE – SECOND = support, TON ONE = first century | |
55 MORE OR LESS – MORE = Catholic saint, OR LESS = deprived of options | |
Down | |
1 UNDER THE SUN – UN, DER = foreign articles, THE SUN = paper | |
2 FRUMP – F(ollowing), RUMP = behind | |
3 REHOBOAMS – ROAMS = travels, around EH = what?, and O.B. = he passed on | |
4 RAISINY – RAINY = wet, around I’S = one’s | |
5 BARROOM – BARM(y) = out to lunch, around ROO = Aussie native | |
8 LANDAU – LAND = light, AU = gold | |
9 OBSIDIAN – hidden reversed in visioN AID IS BOught | |
10 THIMBLERIGGER – THIMBLE = one often hunted, RIGGER sounds like RIGOUR = thoroughness. I am not sure thimbles are often hunted any more. The solution is a word I have seen before in crosswords, but I don’t recall it from anywhere else | |
11 INFERNO – INN = pub, around FER = REF = match official, reversed, O(ld) | |
12 SOLAR PLEXUS – SOLAR = star’s, PLUS = also, around EX = old boyfriend, maybe | |
13 BOWIE KNIFE – BOW, KN(ot) = different types of knot, around I.E. = that is, IF = provided, E = point. The whole clue is really the definition as well | |
20 NOT PROVEN – NOT PRO = not professional = lay, presumably, VEN = archdeacon | |
23 BOUNDARY – BOUND = skip, A, RY = track | |
25 YATTER – (TRY, EAT)* | |
26 SMIDGEON – SON = boy, around MIDGE = insect | |
28 TWINKLING – double definition | |
29 ABATED – ABED = retired, around A.T. = T.A. = volunteers, reversed | |
31 HANGING GARDEN – (HARD ENGAGING)*, N = knight | |
33 SMARTYPANTS – SM = MS. = writing, reversed, ARTY = pretentious, PANTS = nonsense | |
34 ELIMINATION – ELIM I = I MILE = one distance, reversed, NATION = race | |
36 NOSY PARKERS – cryptic definition using NOSY = curious and PARKERS to suggest those who park estates (cars) | |
40 MOONRAKER – MAKER = producer, around O,O = oscars, and NR = near | |
41 IMPLICIT – I = one, M.P. = person in the house, L(eft), I.C. = in charge, IT | |
43 ISLAMIC – ISLA = Scottish girl, MIC = help when speaking publicly | |
45 CLAUDIO – C,L = Roman figures (numerals), AUDIO = soundtrack | |
46 SAMPIRE – P.M. = afternoon, AS = when, all reversed, IRE = heat. Tempting to use FIRE = heat, but the rest of the clue does not work then | |
47 ACUMEN – AMEN = I agree, around CU = copper | |
50 OMBRE – hidden reversed in supERB MOves |
I’d say that content is a noun or an adjective but the answer is a verb?
I’d say that content is a noun or an adjective but the answer is a verb?
Thanks for blog on a rather tricky, but most enjoyable, puzzle, with everything very fair.