Fairly straightforward, but I made a careless error on 7D.
I was slightly surprised to find two words in here that were also in the Saturday prize crossword on the same day, with almost the same clue in each case. I have blogged before when there has been the same solution in both, but I don’t recall two, nor with clues so similar.
Across | |
1 DRASTIC – DRAC = CARD = queen, say, reversed, around ITS* | |
5 BEMUSING – BEING = person, around MUS = letters from Greece | |
9 MORASS – MASS = service, around O.R. = men. A very similar clue to the same word appeared in the Times Saturday Crossword on the same day! | |
13 RETURNING OFFICER – RETURNING = on way back, OFFICER = cop | |
14 TEMPLE – TEMPL(at)E = guiding example | |
16 NINJA – hidden in towN IN JApan | |
17 ITEMISE – TIME*, I’S = one’s, E(nergy) | |
18 LOOK SHARP – LOOKS = peers, HARP = something to play | |
19 EXONERATE – (th)E, X = times, ONE = I, RATE = think much of | |
21 BLINDER – (meda)L in BINDER = file | |
22 ENSUE – EN = in (in Nancy, in France), SUE = Susan | |
23 ELATE – E(fficient), LATE = not keeping to time | |
27 SOMALIA – AILS = troubles, around A M.O. = a doctor, all reversed. Again, a very similar clue to the same word appeared in the Times Saturday Crossword on the same day! | |
29 TRIPLANES – TRIES = attempts, around PLAN = design | |
31 LIKE CLOCKWORK – LIKE = fancy, C(onstant), LOCK = secure, WORK = employment | |
34 INNER HEBRIDES – (IN BEER HINDERS)*. Rum is one of the islands | |
35 SODA WATER – SOD = turf, A(rea), WAR, around TE = note | |
37 AIRLESS – sounds like HEIRLESS, with nobody succeeding | |
39 ASPERSION – AS = when, PERSON = somebody, around I = one | |
42 YALTA – Y = unknown, (m)ALTA = island | |
43 IBSEN – I = one, B(ook), alternate letters in StErNe | |
45 TINFOIL – TIN = can, FOIL = be frustrating. | |
47 SWEEPINGS – S.S. = vessel, around WEEPING = evidently distressed | |
49 ARROWROOT – sounds like ARROW ROUTE = trajectory of missile | |
50 ON THE GO – ON = cricket side, THE(y), GO = game | |
52 AVOID – AVID = keen, around O = duck. Duck is used twice, as part of the wordplay and as the definition | |
54 IRISES – I = one, RISES = picks up | |
55 BARCHESTER TOWERS – BARE = nude, around CHEST = breasts, RS = rupees, around TOWER = rear (up) | |
56 ESTEEM – E(uropean), STEEM sounds like STEAM | |
57 ALISTAIR – A-LIST = most celebrated, AIR = broadcast | |
58 EXPRESS – EX PRESS = reporters no longer | |
Down | |
1 DERANGEMENT – DENT = depression around RANGE = series, and ME = this writer, | |
2 ACT ON – A(nswer), CON = politician, around (parliamen)T | |
3 TERRACE – TRACE = a dash, around ER = RE = about, reversed | |
4 CRIMINAL CONVERSATION – (I CAN SIN, ROMANTIC LOVER)*. An old term for adultery | |
5 BUGLEWEED – BUGLED = blown, around WEE = small | |
6 MUFTI – double definition | |
7 SNIPEFISH – (P(ool), FINISHES)*. Not SPINEFISH as I entered without checking, and so did several others judging by the Crossword Club Forum. | |
8 NEEDLED – NEED = being without, L.E.D. = light | |
10 OVERSEE – O.E. = Old English, around VERSE = poetry | |
11 APPRAISAL – APPAL = shock, around R.A. = artist, and IS | |
20 OVATION – OVA = eggs, ON, around TI = IT reversed | |
21 BOTTLED – BOTTLE = daring, D(aughter) | |
24 ENLARGE – hidden reversed in intEGRAL NEtworks | |
26 PICKS – sounds like PICS = photographs | |
28 MAKE WAY – MAKE = force, WAY = method | |
30 SYRIA – AIRS = broadcasts around Y(ear), all reversed | |
32 KESTREL – KEEL = flat bottomed boat, around STR(eet) = the way | |
33 ORTOLAN – OR = golden, ALTO*, N(ote) | |
34 IMAGINATIVE – I = one, MAG = glossy, I = one, NATIVE = natural | |
36 RHAPSODISTS – RHAP sounds like RAP = blame, SO = hence, DIS = criticise, alternate letters in TaSk | |
38 RESERVIST – ((w)RITES VERS(e))*. 51D could be read as THE T.A. | |
40 PROBOSCIS – PRO = for, BOSS = head, around C(old) and I = one | |
41 INSPECTOR – IN = popular, SPEC = gamble, TOR = ROT = corruption, reversed | |
44 NOWHERE – NO = not a, WERE = used to be, around H(orse) | |
46 NUTGALL – NUT = head, GALL = cheek | |
48 PEA SOUP – double definition, the second referring to mostly historical peasouper fogs | |
51 THETA – THE = article, TA = I’m obliged (thank you) | |
53 OBESE – OBES = honours, E(ven) |
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