Jumbo 1223

Fairly straightforward with a few unfamiliar words to check in the dictionary before finally submitting. All were fairly clued and with checking letters there was little doubt.

1 TWELVEMONTH – (LOVE WENT)*, around M(aiden), TH(e)
7 MOMENTARILY – MOMENT = significance, A, RY = railway, around IL = the (Roman)
13 ASHET – A, SHE = novel, (sor)T. One unfamiliar word
14 AIRINGS – A1 = way (as in major UK road), RINGS = jewellery items
15 NEGOTIANT – GOT = had, I = one, in N.E. = Tyneside and ANT = worker
17 EMIGRATING – E(nglish), MIG = Russian plane, RATING = sailor
20 ICEBERG – I = one, C.E. = church, BERG = composer
22 ENOUNCE – E(uropean), N(ame), OUNCE = cat
24 NOTELET – TEL = phone, ETON = school, all reversed
25 EXTREMES – EX = formerly, T(ime), R.E.M.E = military engineer, S(on)
26 SWORD-SWALLOWER – cryptic definition. Toledo steel was used in swords
28 ARENA – AN ERA = a long time, all reversed
29 SENTRY – SET = place, around N(ew), RY = railway
30 GREENFINCH – GREEN = politician, F(ollowing), INCH = small island
33 SAND-HOPPER – SHOPPER = person in precinct, possible, around AND = with
35 COGNAC – CON = scam, around G(uest-house), AC = bill
37 LASER – sounds like LAZER = idle type
41 BURROWER – BURRO = donkey, W(ith), ER = hesitation
44 AUDIBLE – ABLE = qualified, around U.D.I. = independence
45 ROOSTER – R(ight), (b)OOSTER = repeat vaccination
46 TIMOTHY – double definition
47 RICKETTSIA – (I TREAT SICK)*. Another unfamiliar word, but easily solvable from the cryptic and crossing letters
49 FARMHOUSE – FAR = distant, MOUSE = rodent, around H(eight)
53 CAUCASIAN – C.A., C.A. = two accountants, around U(niversity), SIAN = girl
54 INITIAL – IN = popular, ITAL(y) = country, around I = one
55 KAPUT – (shac)K, A = article, PUT = placed
56 TRESTLEWORK – T(rying), REST = others, LE = the (French), WORK = go
57 GHOST-WRITER – cryptic definition
1 TRANSPIRE – TRA = ART = paintings, reversed, N(ew), SPIRE = part of church
2 ETHELRED THE UNREADY – ETHEL = female, RED = Leftist, THE READY = the cash, around UN = a French
3 VETCH – VET = check, C(umbrian), H(eights)
4 MEANINGLESS – MEANS = way, around (s)INGLES = tennis match
5 NORSEMEN – NOR = and not, SEEN = observed, around M(inutes)
7 MISSIONARY – MARY = woman, around IS(land) and SION = chapel
8 MANOR – hidden in froM A NORfolk
9 NIGHTINGALE – N(orthern) GAL = lass, in NIGHTIE = bedtime wear
10 ANTENATAL – ANT = worker, ENAL = LANE = road, reversed around TA = thanks
11 IVAN – I = current, VAN = transport
12 YETI – YE = the (old), TI = IT = appeal, reversed
18 BLOW ONES OWN TRUMPET – cryptic definition
19 STARCHER – ST = street = way, ARCHER = one aiming to get gold
21 EYEWASH – EYE sounds like I = the compiler, WAS = used to be, H(istory)
27 UNDERFUR – UN = a (in France), followed by reversal of R.U. = a game and FRED = chap
28 ALSATIAN – AL = man, SATIN = light fabric, around A(ppearing)
31 FULCRUM – hidden in dreadFUL CRUMmy
32 HORSE-TRADING – cryptic definition
34 POCKET KNIFE – POCK = spot, E.T. = alien, K(ing), FINE*
36 COUNTERPLOT – COUNTER = bar, LOT = crowd, around P = quiet
38 BROOMSTICK – BROOM = plant, STICK = stay
42 RHYMESTER – RESTER = one at ease, around HYM(n) = song
43 GRAFFITO – GO = game, around R.A.F. = airmen, and FIT = attack
48 TONDO – TO DO = fuss, around N(ew). The last unfamiliar word
50 HIKER – cryptic definition
51 SCOT – COST = expense, with S(on) moved up the word
52 CUBE – CUB = young animal, E(nclosure)

One comment on “Jumbo 1223”

  1. Liked the way this setter clued the chestnutty YETI,avoiding the word ‘still’.Thanks SG.ONG’ARA,KENYA.

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