Jumbo 1210 (Bank Holiday 30th May 2016)

Posted on Categories Jumbo Cryptic
I found this of about average difficulty but there were enough unfamiliar or vaguely familiar words to keep it interesting.

Solving time: 15m 1s

Definitions are underlined.

* = anagram, dd = double definition, cd = cryptic definition, {} = omission

1 Prisoner, erstwhile one obeying the law? (9)
CONFORMERCON (Prisoner) + FORMER (erstwhile)
6 One month with a little fellow? Much longer than that! (7)
DECADESDEC (One month) + A + DES (little fellow)
10 Very energetic and touchy person fraying at the edges (5)
HYPER – in toucHY PERson
13 Rich old university acquiring power fast (7)
OPULENTO (old) + U (university) around P (power), + LENT (fast)
14 Spread of food with litres for drinking (5)
FLAREFARE (food) around L (litres)
15 Regions across sea to the west, a hazard for travellers in haste? (5,4)
SPEED TRAP – reversal (to the west) of PARTS (Regions) around DEEP (sea)
16 Understand what causes pain in Oxford maybe? (4,5,3,4,7)
KNOW WHERE THE SHOE PINCHES – extended definition requiring a literal as well as a figurative interpretation, where an Oxford – as so often in Crosswordland – is a shoe. I didn’t know this expression but it seemed the likeliest option once a few of the checkers were in place.
17 Pretence by American to be a detective in his country (6)
SHAMUSSHAM (Pretence) + US (American). I didn’t know this but the wordplay didn’t really admit any other possibilities.
18 Number going round at noon are menacing (8)
THREATENTHREE (Number) around AT, + N (noon)
19 Fellows getting rid of leader sing to show delight (7)
ENCHANT – {m}EN (Fellows getting rid of leader) + CHANT (sing)
22 At sea they’d dread being like the Ancient Mariner? (10)
DEHYDRATED – (THEY’D DREAD)*, presumably a reference to the famous (but often misquoted) line “Water, water, every where, Nor any drop to drink”. Good effort by the setter with the nautical surface.
23 Wearing garment with one gun, soldiers who may be on the prowl? (12)
INVESTIGATORIN (Wearing) + VEST (garment) + I (one) + GAT (gun) + OR (soldiers). A nice five-part charade.
27 Greek island produces items of fruit, any number going to waste (5)
MELOSMELO{n}S (items of fruit without the n (any number)). Also known as Milos and famous for being where the Venus de Milo statue was discovered.
29 Swallow to obtain feathers (3,4)
GET DOWNGET (to obtain) + DOWN (feathers)
30 Sarah joins the stars — they get paid (8)
SALARIESSAL (Sarah) + ARIES (the stars). My initial reaction was that surely Sal is more commonly a shortening of Sally, but it turns out that Sally is itself a derivative of Sarah. How do you reach your forties without knowing things like that?
32 A good number remain endlessly uncertain about what to believe (8)
AGNOSTICA + G (good) + NO (number) + STIC{k} (remain endlessly). Pleasing surface.
34 Kitchen device in book obtained by library? (7)
BLENDERB (book) + LENDER (library?)
36 Headgear for criminals in US districts (5)
HOODS – triple definition
39 Apparatus positioned at Paddington, say, letting everyone in (12)
INSTALLATIONIN (positioned at) + STATION (Paddington, say), around ALL (everyone)
41 Keep dragging donkey with ropes? (5-5)
CHAIN-SMOKECHAINS (ropes) + MOKE (donkey). Unobvious definition, though the surface might interest the RSPCA.
44 Ruin in some French city of days gone by (7)
DESTROYDES (some French) + TROY (city of days gone by)
46 No image for a developer (8)
48 Skin defect’s beginning to disappear, surgeon’s found (6)
LISTER – {b}LISTER (Skin defect without its first letter)
50 Party of characters in dance capitalised? (7,8,8)
AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS – contained in DANCE (dance capitalised)
53 Type of pea is island produce (9)
MANGETOUTMAN (island) + GET OUT (produce)
54 Instrument is abused with old rocker clearing off (5)
VIOLAVIOLA{Ted} (abused without the Ted)
55 Expression of contentment — it’s about giving support (7)
STIRRUP – reversal of PURR (Expression of contentment) + IT’S
56 Not set to race where famous marathon takes place (5)
RUNNYRUN (to race) + NY (where famous marathon takes place)
57 Imagine possibility of money when valuable minerals lie hidden (7)
FORESEEFEE (money) around ORES (valuable minerals)
58 I urged Europe, not half, to change — it’s obligatory (2,7)
1 Hit one displaying speed (5)
CLOCK – dd, the second an informal name for a speedometer
2 Poor tot languishes — these medical specialists may sort that out (17)
3 Where one may find dressing too tight (9)
4 Queen looked down upon by dull subject (6)
MATTERMATT (dull) + ER (Queen)
5 ‘Free NHS’ — term abused in regeneration? (11)
6 Spooner’s little woman no longer with us — having finished here? (8)
DEATHBED – Spoonerism of BETH (little woman) DEAD (no longer with us), where Beth can be read either as one of the characters in Little Women or just a general shortening of Elizabeth
7 Torch in Home Counties implanted in top of hill (7)
CRESSETSE (Home Counties, i.e. the South-East) inside CREST (top of hill). Not a common word but the wordplay is helpful.
8 Checkout in Norfolk town? Such will offer money off (11)
DISCOUNTERSCOUNTER (Checkout) in DISS (Norfolk town). A cursory bit of Googling suggests that Diss is a market town with no particular claims to fame, so overseas solvers may have trouble with that bit of the parsing (though it did crop up in a recent Mephisto).
9 PM laid up in short rest, being more tired than anyone else (9)
SLEEPIEST – reversal of PEEL (PM) in SIEST{a} (short rest)
10 Explosive academic in charge, out for self-gratification (7)
HEDONICHE (Explosive) + DON (academic) + IC (in charge). Perhaps not as commonly used as hedonistic.
11 Quiet church containing gold architectural feature (5)
PORCHP (Quiet) + CH (church) around OR (gold)
12 Sorry poet, I worked in a dump? (10)
17 Doom’s spelt out for this place (5)
SODOM – (DOOM’S)*, with an extended definition
20 High-up boss may be here, but it’s a precarious location for a cradle (2,3,3,2,3,4)
AT THE TOP OF THE TREE – dd, the second a literal interpretation referring to the nursery rhyme Rock-a-bye Baby
21 Something smoked became item of food (6)
FAGGOT – I initially had this as a dd, as a faggot can be (Chambers) “A bundle of sticks for fuel, etc”, but now I think it’s actually FAG (Something smoked) + GOT (became)
24 French port‘s name engraved in seat (6)
NANTESN (name) in NATES (seat, i.e. the buttocks)
25 Court of King Arthur (5)
GARTH – hidden in KinG ARTHur. Not a common word but straightforward wordplay. Chambers: “A courtyard within a cloister”
26 Repeated shout of disapproval for mistake (3-3)
BOO-BOOBOO (shout of disapproval) twice
28 Opening of a test’s beginning at the southern end (5)
STOMA – reversal of A MOT’S (test’s). Another not-so-common word (though interestingly it came up in a Quick Cryptic a couple of years ago). Chambers: “A mouthlike opening in some animals (zoology)”, though the other two entries relating to plants and colostomies are also applicable.
31 Poet messin’ about (6)
LARKINLARKIN’ (messin’ about)
33 Firm with fashion festival — one has flowers (11)
COTONEASTERCO (Firm) + TON (fashion) + EASTER (festival). I’d heard this word spoken before but it was a real surprise the first time I saw how it was spelled.
35 Aircraft pioneer has not succeeded in brute to bring down (2,9)
DE HAVILLANDHA{s} (has not succeeded) inside DEVIL (brute) + LAND (to bring down). Captain Sir Geoffrey De Havilland founded the De Havilland company, which produced the DH-98 Mosquito warplane and – perhaps most famously – the DH-106 Comet, the world’s first commercial jet. Though both those planes were well before my time, the company was familiar from my childhood, as for some birthday or Christmas I was given an Airfix kit of the Grosvenor House, a red DH-88 Comet (unrelated, despite the name) that set various air records.
37 Weapon to throw or shoot (5)
SPEAR – dd, the second as encountered in, say, asparagus
38 Vessel to meander with someone blocking radio messages (10)
WINDJAMMERWIND (to meander) + JAMMER (someone blocking radio messages). A type of large sailing ship.
40 Giving up any golf if injured (6,3)
42 Extreme practice of sexual libertarianism fuelled by drug (9)
SWINGEINGSWINGING (practice of sexual libertarianism) around E (drug)
43 Laurel, comedian in old-fashioned conveyance (8)
STANHOPESTAN (Laurel, referring to the comedian) + HOPE (Bob, referring to another comedian). The carriage to take if your berlin, brougham, and landau are all in for servicing.
45 Kitchenware chipped on top used for garden feature (7)
ROCKERY – {c}ROCKERY (Kitchenware without its first letter)
47 Smile curtailed ahead of First Lady’s laments (7)
GRIEVESGRI{n} (Smile curtailed) + EVE’S (First Lady’s)
49 Doctor with client’s cat (6)
MOUSERMO (Doctor) + USER (client)
51 Enzyme offers control, containing nitrogen (5)
RENINREIN (control) around N (nitrogen). Not to be confused with rennin.
52 Fantastic salesperson getting us to the top (5)
SUPER – reversal of REP (salesperson) + US

6 comments on “Jumbo 1210 (Bank Holiday 30th May 2016)”

  1. Didn’t find this hard, though there were one or two unknowns .. the shoe pinching, renin, and (embarrassingly) Melos, all gettable.

    The DH88 Comet “Grosvenor House” you mention is viewable today, as it forms part of the extraordinary Shuttleworth Collection – I haven’t ever seen it fly, but maybe it still can. There is a photo of it in the Wiki entry. Cannot recommend a visit to Old Warden, on a flying day if possible, highly enough..

    1. Thanks for the tip, Jerry – it does seem as though the DH-88 is still airworthy, as there are some clips on YouTube from just a couple of years ago. I don’t know if you’ve ever been to the Yorkshire Air Museum but, if not, that is well worth a visit if you’re up in that neck of the woods.
  2. Done in by 42d; ‘swinging’ never occurred to me. DNK FAGGOT in the edible sense, and DNK 33d. I think DISS must have appeared in a cryptic here sometime, as I don’t see how I’d have known it otherwise.

    Edited at 2016-06-13 06:05 am (UTC)

  3. No problem getting Diss for this overseas solver, just followed wordplay and Googled, of average difficulty to me, this one. Where’s 1208 blog, please? Help:danger for swimmers ending in Balearic Islands (4) ORCS or ORCA? (ONG’ARA, NAIROBI, KENYA )
    1. The site search facility is accessible from the magnifying glass icon in the top right of the screen – 1208 is here: http://times-xwd-times.livejournal.com/1533112.html

      MajORCA and MinORCA are two of the largest Balearic Islands – they’re well-known in the UK as holiday destinations, though would be something of a long-haul trip from Nairobi!

      Also, there won’t be a blog appearing for 1209 for about another 3 weeks – seems as though an incorrect closing date was included in the print version of the paper, so the puzzle will still be “live” (and hence won’t be blogged) until then.

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