Posting this very quickly as we have just returned from vacation. Apologies for any errors – will fix ASAP.
A few clues solved from the wordplay that needed dictionary confirmation
Across | |
1 REACTIONARIES – RE = touching, ACT I = start of play, ON = being performed, ARIES = stars | |
8 ALARMISTS – ARM = member, in A LISTS = a field of combat | |
13 ENVOI – initial letters of Excite New Voters Oldies Indifferent | |
14 COUNTERFOIL – COUNTER, FOIL = two synonyms of thwart | |
15 CRAWL – RAW = immature, in CL(ass) | |
16 MARVELLED – MARVELL = old poet, ED(itor) | |
17 RAPT – (solve)R, APT = inclined | |
18 FORAMINA – FOR, AMINA = ANIMA(l) = beast, reversed. One that needed checking | |
20 THEBAN – THE = article, BAN = prohibition | |
21 INDEPENDENT MEANS – INDEPENDENT = newspaper, MEANS = intends | |
24 CON DOLORE – CON = opposing, DO = party, LORE = fund of wisdom. Another one that needed checking | |
26 IMPULSE – I’M = this person’s, PULSE = food grown in garden | |
27 CHAIR – CH(urch), AIR = display | |
29 SATISFACTORY – SAT(urday) = day, IS, FACTORY = place where people work | |
31 DIVINATION – DIVI = share, NATION = people | |
33 INAMORATAS – IN A MO = soon, RATS = STAR = celebrity, reversed, around A | |
38 FRESH – FRES = SERF = old country worker, reversed, (bat)H | |
39 ANCHORS – sounds like ‘ANKERS = is ‘ungry (hankers = is hungry) | |
40 DIVAGATED – DIVA = female performer, GATED = confined to precincts. Another unknown word | |
44 SIDCUP – SID(e) = team, CUP = trophy | |
49 NON-U – UN(i)ON = marriage, reversed | |
50 THE MIKADO – THEM = those people, ADO = fuss, around IK = KI(ng) = monarch, reversed | |
52 LOOSE – LOO = toilet, SE(at) | |
53 TRAGEDIENNE – T(heatr)E around ENDEARING* | |
54 ERICA – hidden in esotERIC Association | |
55 PRACTICES – PRICES = charges, around A CT = a court | |
Down | |
1 RHEUMATIC – sounds like ROOM, ATTIC = two parts of a house | |
2 ADVERSE – A.D. VERSE. Horace wrote his verse B.C. | |
3 TRICERATOPS – TROPS = SPORT = fun, reversed around ICE = kill, RAT = rodent | |
4 OCCULT – O.C. = commander, CULT = religious organisation | |
5 ABUNDANCE – A BUN = a rabbit, DANCE = spring. I had forgotten that abundance is a bid in whist(?) | |
6 INTERMEDIARY – IN = at home, TERM = time, E(xciting), DIARY = account of events | |
8 ALOE – ALO(n)E = unique | |
9 ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE – double definition, the first cryptic | |
10 MECCA – M.C. = host, around E.C. = city, A | |
11 STAMINA – ST = good person, AMIN = deposed dictator, A | |
19 ADELAIDE – A DEE = a river, around L(eft) and AID = help | |
22 MOCHA – MO = O.M. = order, CHA = hot drink | |
23 LOCAL ANAESTHETIC – cryptic definition | |
25 NITRATE – NIT = TIN = can, reversed, RATE = speed of progress | |
28 ALIMENT – ANT = insect, around LIME = a sort of green | |
29 STIFF UPPER LIP – SUPPER = meal, around TIFF = quarrel, LIP = insolence | |
30 TRANCING – A.N.C. = party for Africans, in TRING = Herts town | |
32 CONSTITUTION – CO= firm, (i)NSTITUTION = foundation | |
34 OGHAM – O(ld), GAM = school, around H(ard) | |
36 MAGNIFICENT – MAN = fellow, around (sufferin)G, IF, I CENT = minimal cash abroad | |
37 POSTMODERN – POST = office, MODE = fashion, R.N. = sailors | |
40 DEBUTANTE – DANTE = poet, around E(nergy), and BUT = nevertheless | |
41 DIPLOMATE – DIP = slight depression, LO = see, MATE = friend | |
43 ROSEOLA – ROSE = girl, O = round, L.A. = Hollywood etc | |
45 CLARION – CLAN = tribe, around RIO = port. The stop in the first part of the clue refers to an organ stop. | |
46 YEMENI – YE = you, I, around MEN = chaps | |
48 ALEUT – ALE = beer, (b)UT. I could not think of this at first, but then remembered the Aleutian Islands | |
51 PASS – PASS(engers) = travellers. Only 4 of 10 letters used = 40% |
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