Jumbo 1116 – Better late than never

I vaguely remembering this taking slightly longer than normal, although I cant work out which bits after a two week absence. There seemed to be an above average number of double definitions, but nothing too obscure.


1 MOATED – MATED = beaten in chess, around O = nothing. Whole is “defended in depth”, a slightly cryptic definition
5 MATTOCK – MATT = dull, ‘OCK = common pronunication of HOCK = white wine
9 FOREDECK – CEDE = allow, reversed inside FORK = split
13 AN AWFULLY BIG ADVENTURE – (natural ivy bungled a few)* – the def refers to the quote where Peter Pan describes death likewise
14 BROKEN IN – double def
15 BLEWITS – BITS = pieces, outside WEL(l) = mostly healthy, reversed.
16 HILARY – HILARITY = great enjoyment, without IT = computer studies
17 CHEESECAKE – Leicester being a cheese, and a cake of soap. Together the dish is rich.
20 REPRODUCTION – REDUCTION = cut, round PRO = for
23 UMBO – “this” is the JUMBO, without the first is another word for “boss”
24 STRAINER – double def, someone making an effort, and the tea implement
26 ELDRITCH – (f)ELT = considered, not at first. RITCH sounds like well-off. Whole is “weird”
29 WEDDING MARCH – odd cryptic definition this, unless I am missing something uber-clever. Reference to “naming the day” etc of a wedding.
30 MUCK RAKING – Ruck – making is creating a brawl.
32 TOOTHPASTE – TOO = excessively, PAST = tense, inside THE = article
34 COURT MARTIAL – COURT = “where to try”, MARTIAL sounds like MARSHAL = assemble. Whole is tribunal
36 STROKING – STRING = group of horses, outside OK = fine
38 EINSTEIN – EIN STEIN would roughly translate as “a mug”
39 IRIS – I = one, RIS(ing) = being hoisted, half way
41 IMPACT CRATER – cryptic def, career being rapid movement rather than job related.
43 ENGAGEMENT – double def
44 ITCHED – HITCHED = married, without H = husband.
46 ENABLER – RE(a)L = real, not a, BANE = cause of annoyance, all reversed. Not the most obvious &lit definition, but I guess it makes sense once you get the wordplay!?
48 BESTIARY – (by satire)*
50 BURY ONES HEAD IN THE SAND – double def, one referring to the author George Sand
51 RECYCLES – double def
52 RAKES IN – RAKE = dissolute type, SIN = vice. Whole is “easily gathers”
53 LIE LOW – sounds like LI-LO

2 ON AIR – double def
3 TRACK RECORD – TRACK = one song, RECORD = several more, whole is “history”
4 DEFENDER – DEFER = put off, around END = purpose. A defender ought to repel attackers.
5 MELON – MEN = people, around LO(w) = almost cheap
6 TOYNBEE – TOY = tiny, N = new, BEE = worker, for the historian Arnold
7 OLIVE BRANCH – OLIVE is a sort of drab, CH = church, around BRAN = refuse. Whole is “offered reconciliation”
8 KHAKI – first letters – K(now) H(ow) A(wfully) K(een) I(nfantryman)
9 FIVE SCORE – FIVES = game’s CORE = heart
10 RANCH – the pope RAN the CH(urch) !!
11 DOUBLETHINK – DOUBLE = twin, THIN = not convincing, K = king
12 CHEERIO – CHEER = food, once, I/O are both bits
18 HAMMER OUT – double def
19 ARTEMIS – ART = skill, (EMIS)*
21 PARAMOUNT – PARAMOU(r), NT = new testament = books
22 UNDERLAY – (laundry e)*, nice double use of felt as in the material, or “feeled”
25 AGREEMENT – (l)AMENT = uninitiated complain, around GREE(k) = European, ultimately deficient. Whole is “understanding”
27 CONTAGION – (I cannot go)*
28 UNSPOILT – (sun pilot)*
31 CUTTING – double def
33 THOMAS HARDY – THO = nonetheless, MY = goodness, around A SHARD = a London landmark.
34 CENTRAL PARK – CENTRAL = vital, PARK = leave the car
35 TRIUMVIRATE – V IRATE = very angry, after (a)TRIUM = hall without a
40 EGGSHELL – the comment is EGGS, HELL!!
42 MUTABLE – MULE = cross, around TAB = bill
45 DROOL – D = daughter, R/L = hands, around O,O = rings
47 ABHOR – hidden in (reh)AB HOR(rible)
48 BATON – BAN = prohibition, about TO, for the stick
49 RODEO – If you failed to participate, you RODE 0 = none

2 comments on “Jumbo 1116 – Better late than never”

  1. That’s the only mistake I made thinking tiyn was an anagram of tiny.

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