Posting this quickly as I am away. No particular issues or queries – a fairly standard Jumbo
Across | |
1 DISCONCERTS – DISCS = records, around ON, CERT = winner, inevitably | |
7 JACKET – JACK = tar, (th)E (boa)T | |
10 OUCH – t(OUCH)e = you hit me | |
14 PEERAGE – PEER = look, AGE = mature | |
15 PALADIN – PA(LAD)IN = LAD in PAIN = hurting boy | |
16 BROADEN – ROAD = highway in BEN = mountain | |
17 SELF-APPOINTED – (not very) cryptic definition | |
18 MASSACRES – MASSES = ordinary people, around CAR* | |
19 TUNIS – TUN = large cask, IS | |
23 BITCHY – B(ig), ITCHY = irritating | |
25 REBUTTAL – REAL = genuine, around BUTT = targeted person | |
26 MOVING PICTURES – MOVING = kinetic, PICTURES = art | |
29 GREMLIN – (M(a)LINGER) | |
30 INDIGNANT – INDIAN = Asian, T(eam), around GN = guinea | |
31 MEDIA – M(ale), EDIA = AIDE = assistant, reversed | |
32 LEMUR – hidden in temp(LE MUR)al | |
37 NOTEPAD – P.A. = per annum = every year, in NOTED = well-known | |
41 CEREMONY – cryptic definition | |
43 TRILBY – I LB = one pound, in TRY = make an effort | |
44 REDECORATE – double definition, the second referring to the addition of a bar to a military decoration | |
45 SEOUL – I think this is referring to the homonym SOUL = singe person, adding another would make two souls thus doubling up | |
48 PRECLUDED – PRELUDED = performed musical introduction (I did not know that PRELUDE could be treated as a verb), around C = key | |
49 OVERSPREADING – OVER = part of (cricket) test, READING = interpretation, around S(econd) P(age) | |
51 TITHING – THING = object, around IT | |
52 EL GRECO – cryptic definition | |
53 IRONIST – IRON = club, IS, T(ime). Swift is Jonathan Swift | |
54 RODE – sounds like ROWED and ROAD | |
55 BOLTON – BOLT ON = attached in addition | |
56 TELEGRAPHED – TELEGRAPH ED(itor) = rival boss | |
Down | |
1 DEPOSIT – (TOP SIDE)*. Only six of the seven letters move in the anagram | |
2 SPELLING BEE – SPELLING = giving a rest, BEE = worker | |
3 OSAKA – OAK = wood, A, around S(tored) | |
5 REPRISAL – (PARRIES)*, L(eft) | |
6 SPLIT SECOND – SPLIT = left, SECOND = provide support | |
7 JADED – JADE = precious stone, D(iamonds) | |
9 EMBOSS – M(illions) in E(nglish) BOSS = manager | |
11 UNDERSCORED – double definition | |
12 HONESTY – HONE = sharpen, STY = pen | |
13 MORALIST – R.A. = artist, in MO = second, LIST = catalogue | |
20 SETTLER – SETTER = I, for example, around L(ine) | |
22 OWING – WIN = victory, in O.G. = own goal = defesive blunder | |
24 DISTANCE LEARNING – cryptic definition | |
25 REGALIA – G = grand, in REALIA = everyday teaching aids | |
27 STAND-BY – double definition | |
28 FIFTH AMENDMENT – F(ine), IF, THAT, around MEND = darn, MEN = guys | |
31 MOTHERS – M(asculine), OTHERS = not those | |
35 BLAKE – B(lack), LAKE = pigment | |
36 IMPROVEMENT – hidden in claIM PROVE MEN Tried | |
38 PHOTO-FINISH – cryptic definition | |
40 RABELAIS – RAB ELA = ALE BAR = drink pub, reversed, IS | |
42 BAR STOOL – BARS = pieces of music, TOOL = instrument | |
43 TIPSTER – P = quiet, ST = way, in TIER = bank | |
46 LIGATED – L(earner), I, GATED = kept in school | |
47 ADAGIO – ADO = fuss, around A GI = a soldier | |
49 ORGAN – double definition | |
50 AGORA – AGRA = Asian city, around O(ld) |
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