Definitely some tricky wordplay to untangle in this one to get the full benefit, but an enjoyable workout, and nothing to argue with from my point of view.
Across |
1 BONE CHINA – BONE = hard stuff, CHIN = punch, A | |
6 TOP HATS – (SHOP AT (stree)T)* | |
10 FLAIL – FAIL =don’t succeed, around L(arge) | |
13 ZANIEST – ZEST = relish around alternate letters in AuNtIe | |
14 PREPPIE – PRE = before, PE = gym class, around PI = Greek letter | |
15 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
17 ROT – RO(u)T = hammer. The removed u is the horseshoe shape | |
18 RECIPE – hidden reversed in keEP ICE Ready | |
20 PHLEGM – P = quiet, H = husband, L(eft), EGM = meeting at short notice | |
21 HOLE IN ONE – cryptic definition | |
23 BLACK SHEEP – B(achelor), LACKS = doesn’t have, HEEP = Copperfield character | |
25 NONCHALANCE – NON = French refusal, LANCE = cut, around CHA = tea | |
29 CRESS – C(a)RESS = kiss | |
31 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
34 POTEMKIN – KIN = family, after PO TEM = ME TOP = police operation, reversed | |
36 OFFERING – OFF ERIN = near the Irish coast, (bunbe)G | |
37 BATON – double overlapping definition – the second to BAT ON | |
39 SPEED SKATER – SPEED’s = expedition’s, KATE = female, R(un) | |
41 MEAT-EATERS – sounds like ME TEETERS | |
45 TWELVE – alternate letters in eXhIbIt are XII or twelve in Roman numerals. Definitely not an obvious clue. | |
47 SLAYER – S(mall) LAYER = film | |
49 LUV – (thoughtfu)L, UV = ray | |
52 RANKING – RAN = had lead in, KING = most important piece | |
53 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
54 BEEFALO – BEE = working party, FALO = OLAF = Swede, reversed | |
55 DODGY – DOGGY = spaniel for a child, with the central letter changed | |
56 OILSEED – OED = dictionary, around LIES* | |
57 ELLINGTON – ELL = length, of old, r(INGTON)e | |
Down |
1 BUZZ WORD – BUZZ = rumour, WORD – sounds like whirred = went round quickly. The definition is “(an) in term” | |
2 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
3 CHERRY-PICKS – CHERRY = red, PICKS = means to dig holes | |
4 INTEND – IN = N.I. = Stormont jurisdiction, reversed, TEND = minister | |
5 APPLE-CHEEKED – APPLE = eater, maybe, CHEEKED = given sauce | |
6 THEATRE – hidden reversed alternate letters in rEgReTs ArE wHaT | |
7 PEPPERMINT CREAM – (sergeant) PEPPER = bandleader, MINT = unused, CRAM – stuff, around E = ecstasy | |
8 A NEAR THING – UNEARTHING = discovering, with the first letter changed | |
9 STRUDEL – ST saint = one very good, RUDE = coarse, L(arge) | |
10 FATHER-IN-LAW – FLAW = weakness around (HEART IN)* | |
11 AFTERNOON – AFT = to stern, E.R. = ruler, NOON(e) = nobody | |
12 LADETTE – LATTE = coffee, around DE = ED = journalist, reversed | |
19 COLLECT – double definition | |
22 ASTERISK – ATE = swallowed up, RISK = chance, around S(econd) | |
24 PLAY FIRST FIDDLE – double definition | |
26 HERE GOES – sounds like a Spoonerised version of GEAR, HOSE = clothes, stockings/td> | |
27 EASING – (cas)E, A, SING(e) = burn | |
28 SCOPES – COPE = get by, in S.S. (or on board) | |
32 OUT TRAY – (TORY, A, T(rade) U(nion))* | |
33 DISADVANTAGE – DI = I’D reversed, SAD = unhappy, VAN = head, TAG = mark, E | |
37 BOTTLE GREEN – cryptic definition, referring to the Ten Green Bottles | |
38 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
40 ENLIVENED – (NEEDLE IN V(ery))* | |
42 FREETOWN – FEET = bases, around R(iches), OWN = private | |
43 ILL-BRED – ILLB = BILL = account with B(ook) moved t the end, RED = embarrassed | |
44 ALLEGRO – ALL EGO = nothing but self-confidence, around R(uns) | |
46 ENGLAND – E.G. = for one, around (captai)N, LAND = win. Another where the wordplay was far from obvious | |
48 TIMBAL – initial letters in That Is Mainly Beaten After Lap-dancers | |
51 INAPT – hidden reversed in instanT PANIc |
I don’t think “cape they dispense with” would work.