Jumbo 1033

Posted on Categories Jumbo Cryptic

Definitely some tricky wordplay to untangle in this one to get the full benefit, but an enjoyable workout, and nothing to argue with from my point of view.


1 BONE CHINA – BONE = hard stuff, CHIN = punch, A
6 TOP HATS – (SHOP AT (stree)T)*
10 FLAIL – FAIL =don’t succeed, around L(arge)
13 ZANIEST – ZEST = relish around alternate letters in AuNtIe
14 PREPPIE – PRE = before, PE = gym class, around PI = Greek letter
15 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure
17 ROT – RO(u)T = hammer. The removed u is the horseshoe shape
18 RECIPE – hidden reversed in keEP ICE Ready
20 PHLEGM – P = quiet, H = husband, L(eft), EGM = meeting at short notice
21 HOLE IN ONE – cryptic definition
23 BLACK SHEEP – B(achelor), LACKS = doesn’t have, HEEP = Copperfield character
25 NONCHALANCE – NON = French refusal, LANCE = cut, around CHA = tea
29 CRESS – C(a)RESS = kiss
31 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure
34 POTEMKIN – KIN = family, after PO TEM = ME TOP = police operation, reversed
36 OFFERING – OFF ERIN = near the Irish coast, (bunbe)G
37 BATON – double overlapping definition – the second to BAT ON
39 SPEED SKATER – SPEED’s = expedition’s, KATE = female, R(un)
41 MEAT-EATERS – sounds like ME TEETERS
45 TWELVE – alternate letters in eXhIbIt are XII or twelve in Roman numerals. Definitely not an obvious clue.
47 SLAYER – S(mall) LAYER = film
49 LUV – (thoughtfu)L, UV = ray
52 RANKING – RAN = had lead in, KING = most important piece
53 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure
54 BEEFALO – BEE = working party, FALO = OLAF = Swede, reversed
55 DODGY – DOGGY = spaniel for a child, with the central letter changed
56 OILSEED – OED = dictionary, around LIES*
57 ELLINGTON – ELL = length, of old, r(INGTON)e


1 BUZZ WORD – BUZZ = rumour, WORD – sounds like whirred = went round quickly. The definition is “(an) in term”
2 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure
3 CHERRY-PICKS – CHERRY = red, PICKS = means to dig holes
4 INTEND – IN = N.I. = Stormont jurisdiction, reversed, TEND = minister
5 APPLE-CHEEKED – APPLE = eater, maybe, CHEEKED = given sauce
6 THEATRE – hidden reversed alternate letters in rEgReTs ArE wHaT
7 PEPPERMINT CREAM – (sergeant) PEPPER = bandleader, MINT = unused, CRAM – stuff, around E = ecstasy
8 A NEAR THING – UNEARTHING = discovering, with the first letter changed
9 STRUDEL – ST saint = one very good, RUDE = coarse, L(arge)
10 FATHER-IN-LAW – FLAW = weakness around (HEART IN)*
11 AFTERNOON – AFT = to stern, E.R. = ruler, NOON(e) = nobody
12 LADETTE – LATTE = coffee, around DE = ED = journalist, reversed
19 COLLECT – double definition
22 ASTERISK – ATE = swallowed up, RISK = chance, around S(econd)
24 PLAY FIRST FIDDLE – double definition
26 HERE GOES – sounds like a Spoonerised version of GEAR, HOSE = clothes, stockings/td>
27 EASING – (cas)E, A, SING(e) = burn
28 SCOPES – COPE = get by, in S.S. (or on board)
32 OUT TRAY – (TORY, A, T(rade) U(nion))*
33 DISADVANTAGE – DI = I’D reversed, SAD = unhappy, VAN = head, TAG = mark, E
37 BOTTLE GREEN – cryptic definition, referring to the Ten Green Bottles
38 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure
42 FREETOWN – FEET = bases, around R(iches), OWN = private
43 ILL-BRED – ILLB = BILL = account with B(ook) moved t the end, RED = embarrassed
44 ALLEGRO – ALL EGO = nothing but self-confidence, around R(uns)
46 ENGLAND – E.G. = for one, around (captai)N, LAND = win. Another where the wordplay was far from obvious
48 TIMBAL – initial letters in That Is Mainly Beaten After Lap-dancers
51 INAPT – hidden reversed in instanT PANIc

4 comments on “Jumbo 1033”

  1. I was wondering about 46d and 45ac; thanks for the enlightenment. DNK EGM in 20ac, or 43ac, but in neither case was that a problem. On 30ac: I’ve had this question before, but if ‘dispensed’ is the anagram indicator, I can see that affecting ‘they’, but I don’t see how ‘cape’ is in the scope of ‘dispensed’. ‘Cape they dispense with’, all right, but.
    1. On 30ac I take the “They dispensed with cape” as meaning “they” anagrammed together with “cape”
      1. Yes, that’s how I took it, and indeed, how one must take it, so far as I can see. But as I said, ‘cape’ is not in the scope of ‘dispensed’, so I didn’t see a justification for rearranging the letters of ‘cape’–whereas my proposed revision would put both words within the scope of ‘dispense’ (although then there’s the problem of ‘with’).
        1. “Cape” surely is indeed withnin the scope of “dispensed” because of the “with”
          I don’t think “cape they dispense with” would work.

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