Apologies for the delay in posting this. The periods I had set aside to compile it were unexpectedly taken up by other commitments.
I did not record a time but I recall this being quite straightforward. The difficulty comes in explaining the solution to some of the clues (see 40A). I think a couple of the definitions may have been difficult for international solvers, but the wordplay and checking letters should have helped.
Across |
1 SADDLES UP ADDLES = goes off, in SUP = drink | |
6 KNIGHTSBRIDGE – KNIGHTS = makes Sir, BRIDGE = cross | |
13 ONSET – deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
14 AIR CORRIDOR – AIR = display, COR = my, O.R. = other ranks = men, around RID = clear | |
15 LUCRE – h(ERCUL)e = Poirot, reversed | |
16 STAGE-STRUCK – STAGES = coaches, TRUCK = lorry | |
17 GUINEA GRASS – (RAIN GAUGES)*, S = small | |
18 HIDEOUT – sounds like high doubt = raised question | |
20 SHORTEN – SH = button it, OR = alternative, TEN = NET = catch, reversed | |
21 SCOTTIE – a(SCOT) = racecourse, TIE = moor | |
23 HANDLE WITH KID GLOVES – cryptic definition. Butter = goat | |
27 GEE – double definition. I’m not positive but I think Gee Up! as a command to a horse may derive from Ginger Up | |
28 ERNANI – E.R. = Queen, NAN = mother of pop (father), I = one | |
29 LUGOSI – LUG = hump, O.S. = abnormally large, I = one | |
31 FORKLIFTS – F.T. = Financial Times = daily, in FOR = assisting, KLIS = SILK = QC, reversed | |
34 PAPER MILL – P = soft, APE = parrot, RM = jolly, ILL = poorly | |
35 KICK IN – KICKIN(g) = breaking habit of | |
36 ECHOIC – CHOICE = what’s on the menu, with the last letter moved to the front | |
39 SUN – SUN(k) = sent to (sea) bed | |
40 A WANDERING MINSTREL I – I think this is (IN TERMS)*, clued by “A wandering minstre”, followed by (ca)LI(ph). Any other suggestions? | |
42 HAYLOFT – HAYL = sounds like HAIL = welcome, OFT = on many an occasion | |
43 GODSEND – deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
45 EARLOCK – (CORAL KE(y))* | |
47 LAUNDERETTE – I think this is LA, UN, DER, ET, and TE, being articles in various languages [Edit – see the Anonymous first comment below – which I believe is probably he correct parsing of the clue] | |
49 I’M A DUTCHMAN – IMAM = Moslem leader, around DUTCH = wife, AN | |
51 AMUSE – alternate letters in hArMfUl, S,E = oppnonents at bridge | |
52 RUSSIAN BLUE – RUSS, IAN = boys, BLUE = adult. Queen in the clue is a female cat | |
53 RINSE – R(iver) IN S(outh) E(ast) = Home Counties | |
54 BOUILLABAISSE – (A BUS IS LIABLE)* around O(ld) | |
55 DO YOU MIND – DO = cook, YO = greeting, U = superior, MIND = intellect | |
Down | |
1 SCOTS WHA HAE – (E(nglish) A CHAT SHOWS)* | |
2 DISCARD – DISC = one to slip, A, RD = Road | |
3 LATTE – (f)LATTE(r) = apply soft soap to | |
4 SHANTY TOWN – SHANTY = a number (=song) of sailors, OWN = have, around T(ime) | |
5 PERCUSS – PER = a (as in “ten a penny”), CU = copper, SS = vessel | |
6 KNOCK FOR KNOCK – KNOCK KNOCK = start of joke, around FOR = pro. I am not sure whether the same term is used internationally, but when two vehicles are involved in an accident and it is not clear where any fault lies insurers agree to settle their own customers’ claim without pursuing each other on a knock for knock basis | |
7 IRRIGATED – IRRITATED = cross with the central letter replaced by G(ood) | |
8 HADRIAN – hidden reversed in opeN AIR DAHlias | |
9 SCREEN SAVERS – SCREENS = riddles (sieves), A, VERS(e) = rhyme | |
10 RELIGIOUS – RE = about (LUGOSI (= 29A) I)* | |
11 DACHA – alternate letters in aDvAnCe HeAd | |
12 EVEN-STEVENS – EVEN SEVENS = rugby also, around (resul)T. Surprisingly, because draws are unusual in rugby (particularly sevens) I suppose. | |
19 ONLINER – ON LINER = enjoying a cruise | |
22 TUG OF LOVE – cryptic definitions | |
24 NINEPENNY – NINNY = fool, around EP = record, EN = in (French) | |
25 TOUSLED – TO = not from, US LED = influenced by Washington | |
26 LEFTISM – deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
30 INCONVENIENCE – double definition, the second referring for IN CONVENIENCE | |
32 LOCATOR – LO = watch, CAT = jazz fan, OR = gold | |
33 DISASTER AREA – (AIDS SET)*, RARE = far from common, A | |
34 PASCHAL LAMB – PAS = old men, CH(eck), ALL = everything, AM = in morning, B(efore) | |
37 CHICKEN-FEED – CHICKEN, = one with little bottle, FEED = paid (a fee) | |
38 INSECURELY – IN = at home, S(mall) RELY = bank (on), around ECU = currency | |
40 A GOOD DEAL – AGO = in the past, ODD = not even, E(uropean), AL = gangster | |
41 RED DEVILS – RED(i)D = freshly perpetrated, EVILS = crimes. The Red Devils are a display parachute team | |
43 GO TO SEA – (O(ver) SO GET)*, A(ce). the definition is Turn Jack = become sailor | |
44 DRAWLED – DRAW = attract, L.E.D. = glowed | |
46 OSMANLI – OS = sailor (ordinary seaman), MAN = crew, L(eft), I(sland) | |
48 ULURU – second letters in mUsician pLayed pUnk tRacks bUt | |
50 CORFU – CO = firm, R.F.U. = (Rugby) Union organisers |
containing A + UN + DER, &lit.
Edited at 2013-02-03 06:16 pm (UTC)
Anonymous has a good point re 47ac, though it seems either interpretation works, if we assume “et” is in fact an article, and not a preposition as “with” is, or a conjunction as “and” is..
Defiitely one of those clues where one is sure of the answer, never mind the wordplay.