Jumbo 1013

Posted on Categories Jumbo Cryptic
Published on Boxing Day, so my concentration levels were not at their best when I solved this after a family lunch. I can’t remember my time, but it was nothing special. 

No particular highlights or quibbles, apart from the repeated use of the same word to clue the same part of the solution in two instances. 21 D and 48 A both use E.R. from “Queen” in the clue, and even less forgivable is the repeat of GO clued by “run” in two consecutive clues (30D and 32D).


6 DELICATESSEN – DELICATE = easily damaged garment, SSEN = NESS = head, reversed
14 RECHECK – RE = concerned with, CHECK = US restaurant bill
15 RHUBARB – BAR = pub, in R(uns), HUB = centre
16 CHAGRIN – CHA(p) = fellow, GRIN(s) = grimaces
17 OMIT – O.T. = Old Testament = part of bible, around MI = note
18 CANCEL – C(h)ANCEL = altar area
20 TETRAGON – TETRA = tropical fish, GON = NO G(ood) reversed
24 THE TENANT OF WILDFELL HALL – THE TENANT OF WILDE(e) = Oscar’s lodger, FELL = declined, H(ours), ALL = every
25 YTTRIUM – Y = unknown, TT = teetotal = dry, RUM = spirit, around I. My Chemistry degree has some use after all.
26 HALF-TONE – double definition, although my musical knowledge is not enough to confirm the second.
27 SCAMPI – CAMP = live temporarily, in S(mall) I(sland)
29 NORTHERN LIGHTS – NORTHERN (f)LIGHTS = Arctic air services
31 LOWLIGHT – (s)LOW = drawn out, (s)LIGHT = insubstantial.
34 WELL DONE – WELL = bore, DONE = finished
39 DETEST – DE(f)TEST = most skilful
41 TELLTALE – TELL = Middle Eastern mound, TALE = story. My last one in as I needed to check the first part in Chambers
43 ADDRESS – A(rea), D(ied), DRESS = shift
47 CREATION – C(onservative), RE(l)ATION = association
48 RANGER – RANG = called, E.R. = queen
49 STET – hidden in haSTE Tomorrow
53 ORIGAMI – O(ld) RIG = equipment, A MI = a note
54 TORMENT – MEN = soldiers, in TORT = unlawful act
56 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure
57 KINDERGARTEN – KINDER = more helpful, GEN = information, around ART = paintings
58 BOTTLENECK – BOTTLE = confidence, NECK = to canoodle
1 AIRWORTHY – AIR = broadcast, WORTHY = important person
2 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure
3 TEEM – MEET = stumble on, reversed
5 OAR – initial letters of Olympics At Rio
7 ELAN – hidden in dixiELANd
8 INBREEDING – odd letters of IsNt, BREEDING = what aristocrats have
9 ACCURSED – ACE = very good, D(oghouse) around CURS = wretched mongrels
10 EVANGELICAL – alternate letters in wEeViL, around ANGELICA = cake decoration
11 STRONG-ARM – (i)S i(T) w(RONG) w(AR) (i’)M – all initial letters removed
12 NONE – N(itrogen), O(xygen), NE(on) = three atmospheric gases. Really getting the benefit of that Chemistry degree
19 CATCH-ALL – CAT = whip, ALL = everything, around CH(urch)
21 PERISH – PISH = expression of impatience, around E.R. = Queen
22 DIETETIC – DIET = conference, ETIC = CITE = mention, reversed
23 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure
29 NOWADAYS – NO = never!, W(ith) ADA = Miss Lovelace, Y(e)S
30 GORMLESS – GO = run, R(ight), MESS = confusion, around L(eft)
32 GO THE DISTANCE – GO = run, THE = article, DI = Detective Inspector, STANCE = attitude
33 CAREWORN – CAR = vehicle, OWNER*
35 DESEGREGATE – first halves of DESE(lect) GRE(eks) GA(me) TE(am). The definition is “stop marking race”
37 NUDIST – NUT = hard-headed person, around D(aughter) IS
38 PEA-SHOOTER – P.E. = exercise, AS = like, HOOTER = nose
40 T-JUNCTION – T(imes), J(umbo), UNCTION = slick charm
42 ASSORTED – A(cidosi)S, SORTED = equipped with drugs
44 SWEET-TALK – SWEET = chocolate, TALK = rabbit
45 LEFT-WING – LEFT = port, WIN = get first prize, G(ood)
50 COOK – C(r)OOK = thief
51 BRAE – BRA(v)E = to face
52 STYE – STY(l)E = fashion
55 TOO – TOO(k) = captured

3 comments on “Jumbo 1013”

  1. So many crosswords over Christmas it’s hard to single this one out, now.. I remember struggling a while with 12dn – there are so many atmospheric gases, if we include trace elements like Neon. And there was a “no” in both the clue and the answer..
    I take the point about the repetitions but would want to make 32dn my cod, a very slick surface to that clue I thought

    Edited at 2013-01-06 10:56 am (UTC)

  2. I think you mean 12d, Jerry. I evidently stopped timing myself after an hour, and now can’t remember why it took me so long, although Jumbos usually do. I had 24ac early on, except that it took me forever to remember the name of the hall. I liked 56ac; easy enough, but such a nice smooth surface.

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