Around 34 minutes on the Club timer, although I did go over the clues to check for typos before I pressed the submit button
Generally fairly straightforward, with some unusual words that were fairly clear from the wordplay. I needed checking letters to sort out the spelling of 6A.
Across | |
1 TOODLE-PIP – POODLE TIP = dog advice, with initial letters switched | |
6 RORSCHACH TEST – cryptic definition | |
13 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
14 WORKING OVER – WORKING, and OVER are both synonyms of on | |
15 BRAKE – B(achelor), RAKE = libertine | |
16 INAUTHENTIC – I(sland), NAUTIC(al) = of sailors, around THEN = afterwards | |
17 TRIBALISTIC – sounds like try ballistic = test missiles | |
18 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
20 STROBES – ST = holy man, ROBES = vetments | |
21 EMIRATE – EM = measure, IRATE = furious | |
23 AT THE TOP OF ONES VOICE – double definition | |
27 RUM – RUM(our) = gossip | |
28 HARLEM – HAREM = many mates, acround L(arge) | |
29 ASSAIL – AS = since, SAIL = coast | |
31 TRADE DOWN – TOWN = urban area, around DREAD* | |
34 CHERNENKO – (HONECKER, N(ew))* | |
35 ENTICE – E(motio)N, T(w)ICE = double | |
39 EAT – EA(s)T = bridge player, with S(outh), his opponent, removed | |
42 HIDEOUT – IDEO(logy) = belief system, in HUT = small building | |
43 BETROTH – BE(e)TRO(o)T = colourful veg, with doubled letters removed, H = husband | |
45 IN STORE INSHORE = towards land with H(ard) replaced by (por)T | |
47 RACK RAILWAY – RACK = joint (of meat), RAIL = protest, WAY = method | |
49 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
51 CREDO – C(onstant), REDO = overhaul | |
52 ANTIOXIDANT – ANTI = opposing, OX = beef, I’D = I had, ANT = insect | |
53 RHINO – alternate letters in tOeNaIl HaRd, reversed | |
54 TIMES NEW ROMAN – TIMES = era, NEW ROMAN(tic) = 1980s stylist | |
Down | |
1 TURKISH BATH – cryptic definition | |
2 OVERALL – double definition | |
3 LIMIT – LIT = burning, around M1 = motorway | |
4 POWDER ROOM – POW = explosion, DOOM = destruction, around ERR = stray | |
5 PYRITES – IT = the object, in PYRES = combustible heaps | |
6 REINCORPORATE – REIN = restraint, CORPORATE = for big business | |
7 RIGHTABLE – RIG H(ospital) TABLE = manipulate data in grid format | |
8 CIVVIES – sounds like SKIVVIES = menial workers, without K(ing) | |
9 AFRO-AMERICAN – A F(ellow) ROAMER = traveller, I CAN = I dismiss | |
10 HYBRIDISE – H(app)Y, BRIDE = wife, around IS = lives | |
11 EXALT – EXA = AXE = dismissal, reversed, LT = lieutenant | |
12 TRENCHERMAN – TRENCHAN(t) = keen, around (fre)E, RM = Royal Marines = jollies | |
19 THEREIN – THE REIN = controls a horse | |
22 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
24 TORMENTED – TOR = rocky place, MEN = chess piences, TED = spread out | |
25 ONSHORE – S(c)HOONER* | |
26 VATICAN – VAT, CAN = vessels, around I(sland) | |
30 LOTUS POSITION – LO = see, TUITION = teaching, around SPOS = SOPS = concessions, reversed | |
32 EX WORKS – EX = old mate, WORKS = is employed | |
34 CHESHIRE CAT – CHEAT = swindle, around RICHES* | |
37 EASTERNMOST – EA(ch), STERN = cruel, MOST = majority | |
38 NOVITIATES – NO = drama, VITIATES = spoils | |
40 SHOWROOMS – SMS = texr, around HOW = the way, ROO = jumper | |
41 ENTRY FORM – EM = letter, around N(ew), TRY FOR = work towards | |
43 BY WATER – BOATER = sailor, with Y = variable, W = weight, replacing O = nothing | |
44 HUSBAND – central letters of tHe trUth, uSe fibBing, stAll aNd fuDge. Well disguised | |
46 OLIVINE – (s)OLI(d), VINE = climber | |
48 deliberately omitted – please ask if unsure | |
50 AIRER – ADMIRER = someone romantically interested, with D(iamonds) and M(arried) removed |
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