
For those who may not know already, today is a Bank Holiday in the UK and there is a Cryptic Jumbo #1559 available. I’m not sure if we will get another one for  tomorrow’s  Platinum Jubilee  so look out for it just in case.

6 comments on “Jumbo”

  1. Just today and Saturday. We thought three consecutive Jumbos might not leave you all enough time to enjoy the glorious Bank Holiday weather.

    1. Mick, it is my turn to produce the ‘Weekend QC’ (see johninterred’s blog for Friday’s Teazel). If you get a chance, I would love to know what you think.

  2. I hadn’t considered the possibility of a one-off Jumbo on a Thursday so was pleased to see it in my Times 2 paper copy this morning. Nice one.

    1. I thought we’d be due one because normally we’d have had a Jumbo last Monday which would have been the Bank Holiday. I wasn’t sure whether it would arrive on Thursday or Friday or perhaps on both if they were feeling generous.

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