In alphabetical order:
​Broteas is Peter Biddlecombe, Sunday Times (and TLS) crossword editor
Myrtilus is Bob Price, a former successful contestant in the Sunday Times clue writing contest
Praxiteles is D G Tallis, who has set puzzles for many other papers, including the Telegraph, The Times (Listener), the Church Times, and the Oxford Times
Talos is David McLean, who sets crosswords for the Sunday Times and Church Times. As Hoskins, he also sets puzzles for The Independent and Magpie.
I’ve no idea what level of participation the puzzles command via the wider readership (not just the Crossword Club) but it does occur to me to wonder if there might be opportunities for syndication of the puzzles. The NY Review of Books comes to mind because it’s not a rival for the TLS circulation.
So my inclination is to enjoy our current freedom and deal with these issues if and when the TLS syndication people make a sale …
Edited at 2016-06-07 03:00 pm (UTC)