Clue Writers Found for the Times for the Times Holiday Puzzle – thanks to all who volunteered!

In the past, we have had fun with our own private holiday season puzzle, where volunteer bloggers and  commenters are each given one answer to clue.   I didn’t think we would have one this year, but isla3 has stepped forward to volunteer to run this project.   He already has the puzzle ready to be clued, and so we are in need of 31 clue setters, after I got myself to the head of the line.

If you wish to volunteer to write a clue, send a Live Journal message to isla3.   He will assign you a word from the puzzle to clue, along with further instructions.   Since each clue-writer is operating without knowing the full context of the puzzle, the clues may have to edited and revised.   We would like you to submit your clue relatively quickly, so we have time to make adjustments as needed.    The puzzle is scheduled to be published in the week before Christmas.

In order to publish the puzzle, blogger Johninterred has offered to let us use the same platform he uses to publish his much-liked fortnightly weekend Quick Cryptics.

The puzzle will be blogged in Times for the Times about a week after becomes available, with special attention to the quality of the clues. 

All right, we are now full up.   Thanks to all who volunteered.

21 comments on “Clue Writers Found for the Times for the Times Holiday Puzzle – thanks to all who volunteered!”

  1. I’ve put my name down with isla, for what it’s worth. Thanks to all of those involved in organising this.
  2. Hi All,
    To contact me please click on my isla3 Username link above, takes you to my empty homepage where “Send a Message” is one of the menu options.
    1. I am unable to use the link above but please include me on the list of clue setters. Thanks
  3. Thanks to everyone involved in the organisation of this. I have sent a message and volunteered for a clue.
  4. Thanks to all for making a real holiday treat to look forward to. And a tip of the hat to Sotira whose idea it was originally and to Jerry for then assisting with the editing (which Sotira likened to herding cats). This cat will not be volunteering a clue – she knows her limits.
  5. I would also like to volunteer to write a clue, but can’t fathom how to contact isla3.
    Please count me in.
    1. Hi Shabbo,
      I’ve sent you a message. If you go to the top right of the page and hover the mouse over your username there should be a dropdown menu, select “Messages” to read it.
      1. I’m afraid I am none the wiser. I followed your instructions, but all I could find under Messages was your same message as above, i.e. “I’ve sent you a message. If you go to the top right of the page and hover the mouse over your username there should be a dropdown menu, select “Messages” to read it.” IT was never my strong point!

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