Christmas Turkey 2016

Posted on Categories Announcement

UPDATE: As of 17.30 GMT we are slightly oversubscribed, so I’m afraid we’re now filling the subs’ bench. Do please register your interest, regardless. Anyone who misses out will surely get first dibs next time around.

The TfTT Christmas Turkey is rising from the ashes.

For those who don’t know, the Turkey is a Brigadoonian bird infrequently materialising from the mists of our confusion to reveal itself as a communally assembled crossword.

If you would like to set a clue for this year’s puzzle, please send an email to sotira @ [no spaces], giving your screen name here on TfTT and, preferably, your real first name. Please don’t use the LJ messaging system which I have found to be far too cumbersome for this purpose.

As ever, I’ll allocate clues mostly on a first come first served basis. I will be giving automatic preference on this occasion to regular contributors in far-flung time zones who have sometimes missed out in the past. Let me know if you’re in that category as it’s not always obvious from contributions to the site.

All TfTT contributors, to whichever puzzle blog, are welcome to get involved. Hope to see a few Quick Cryptic regulars giving it a go.

Talking of different time zones, the final impetus to wake the Turkey from its slumber came from Paul in New York, who contacted me asking if it might be happening. I said “Sure, if you come up with a grid.” He said “Er …. okay” and he did. We have ended up with a slightly revised version of his original but you may detect a Transatlantic flavour here and there. Thanks, Paul.

As soon as we have enough clue-writers I’ll allocate clues by email and give you a deadline. Not quite sure what the timing will be but we’re getting started early so it should be a more relaxed affair than in previous years. I’m going to regret saying that.

Oh yes, and this year I am finally turning player-manager and giving myself a clue. I’ll probably regret that, too.

The puzzle will go online a week or so before Christmas and we shall, of course, have an esteemed guest blogger to review our efforts. Not that I’ve told him yet.

24 comments on “Christmas Turkey 2016”

  1. After about the 12th pint at the George was there a discussion about including risqué clues, or did I imagine that?
  2. I hope you get some QC participants too – they’re a good bunch. This was a very nice timely Thanksgiving present. Email sent.
  3. I missed out – I would like to represent Shanghai in the Turkeyfest this year. emauil to follow
  4. Sotira, I see you’re already oversubscribed. Heavens, that was quick. But perhaps just as well, since the distinguished guest blogger has a thing for panning my clues, and we (maybe just I) really screwed up the communication last time. I’ll persevere, though, if needed, and send you an email for placement on the scrubs’ bench. Best regards.
  5. Realise you have a full list. Any chance of throwing a couple of clues to the sub bench and seeing what can be achieved through competition?
    1. Well, not without setting that out as the process from the start. I’m not going to start taking clues away from people. It’s hard enough just saying ‘sorry’ to those who missed out.

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