Bank Holiday Jumbo 759 – 26 May 08

Posted on Categories Jumbo Cryptic

Remember the last Bank Holiday Monday? Oh how we laughed as we tried to
put down our tent in howling winds. Some pretty obscure stuff in here I
thought, but I don’t really mind this too much when it’s not a daily
crossword. I’ll be a bit minimalist on this one. If there’s anything you
think I’ve missed and need an explanation, please ask. It took about an hour over three sessions to complete

14 HANS,EAT,IC – a hanse is a medieval guild of
merchants or trader
15 ATLANTOSAURUS –  (ran out assault)*. A type of
dinosaur – or is
22 ANT I(O)CH – “I recognised in Berlin” = ICH
25 OBSTETRICS – cracking cryptic def, “club members”
referring to those in the pudding club ie pregnant
36 COR,NET,TI , a wind instrument – not to be confused with
cornetto, which is an ice cream
53 CONSERVATOIRE, being CONSERVE around A + RIOT rev.
55 TIRADE – “Thai raid” – I like it
57 NO NET – possible chestnut of the day
2 RUN OUT OF STEAM – the Rev W Awdry wrote the Thomas The
Tank Engine books, later televised and narrated by Ringo Starr ( and
then the bloke from the Sun Pat peanut butter ad)
10 CHA(P)LET – a flower arrangement, but not one I’ve heard
11 TAR RAG ON A – two in a row that I haven’t heard of. A
port in Catalonia
21 A,THE,LING – an Anglo Saxon nobleman
23 H(UMBERS)IDE – in 2004 about 1,000 oak and silver birch
trees in Wombwell Woods, near Barnsley, fell victim to the Mottled Umber
Moth. Isn’t Google great!
24 POT,BELL(I)E,D – corporation being a slang term for a
29 PAN[-d]ORA,MA – nice change not having Eve as first
woman. Pandora was the woman in Greek mythology
38 CONSTANT,IA IA being AI rev., a wine growing region of S
47 A(DV)(E)RT – DV being Deo Volente, God willing

One comment on “Bank Holiday Jumbo 759 – 26 May 08”

  1. I found this one pretty easy (only word that gave me real trouble was picking the right anagram for INTERFEMORAL). I’ll maintain that the last six months or so of Jumbos have been really worthwhile.

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