At last the Mephisto 2438 show

Posted on Categories Mephisto
Have now solved this puzzle which I might have done before my holidays if it had been on the Times club site in time.

Solving time: say 2 hours, with Chamber used for the last half dozen or so answers.

Quite tough work from Tim Moorey, this one. Or my post-holiday rustiness is worse for barred-grid than blocked-grid puzzles.

1 PER,ST,RINGING – see the verb to perstringe
9 IN THE END – anag. which I made very heavy weather of
11 MONDEGREEN – cryptic def. A lovely word this. It’s a misunderstood song lyric – derived from “laid him on the green” sounding like “Lady Mondegreen”.
12 NIEF – anag. of benefits less bets. Nief = fist = duke. It’s rather ironic that there’s an anag. of fist in benefits too.
17 (hy)STERIC(al)
21 ALANGS – a, then slang with the S moved. alang = lalang = “a coarse grass from the Malay archipelago”.
27 AN MO – hidden. Chinese remedial massage – as new to me as alangs.
1 PI(A NO)S(h). I think this is a bit iffy myself – stride = stride piano is a playing style, not an instrument. So you can’t really equate strides with ‘pianos’
2 ENLISTED MEN – anag. of elements in,D=Germany (IVR)
3 SHO(w),FAR(e) – it’s a ram’s used in Jewish religious ceremony (and in ancient times as a call to battle)
5 INEBRIANT – I can see some initial letters and T = end in sight. But this leaves RIAN or BRIAN unexplained. Any offers?
7 ID.,EATING – distracted for ages by a possible -ION ending.
10 BESIEGEMENT – (enemies, eg)* in external letters (“case”) of “battle fleet”
15 KERMES,(u)SE(d) – KERMES = “kermes mineral”. It’s an urban cycle race.
20 BA(BIS)T – member of an eclectic Persian sect – new to me.
25 R AND R – rand = border = march

3 comments on “At last the Mephisto 2438 show”

  1. After a good deal of head-scratching, I read it thus: first letters of Iraq Not Enough + BR(itain) + I(ndeed) + AN + last letter of sighT.

    Probably not the clue he used for Azed competition no. 1806, as he got an HC!

  2. Isn’t this an &lit.? It seems to be M + N around ON DEGREE, where stage = degree and element of mutilation is m. Apparently brilliant, if you are happy with the “element of” = “first letter of” convention.
    1. Yes I guess it is an &lit – it seems to be an occupational hazard of the best ones that they’re the easiest to miss!

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