Not too tricky at this station, arriving fully parsed in 20.19, but as you may infer from my ramblings below, there are quite a few bits where the general knowledge may not be all that general. I rather liked the clean surfaces of 21 and 23, and I don’t think there’s a dud clue anywhere. But I believe we have the first appearance of the rather ugly term for a Political Advisor, which would previously have been clued perforce as Signal Passed At Danger, and as far as I can see, the grammatical term at 1a is making its first appearance too. For that and the Elizabethan playwright at 27 some inspired guesswork might be needed by some of this order, but I don’t think they’re impossible or unfair.
Along with my musings, I have reproduced the clues, definitions and SOLUTIONS.
1 Perhaps May’s second day, all very endless and black (5,4)
MODAL VERB Right. Pay attention, class, because for once, you won’t have learned this bit of grammar in Mr Jarry’s Latin lessons. “A modal verb is a type of verb that is used to indicate modality – that is: likelihood, ability, permission, request, capacity, suggestions, order, obligation, or advice. Modal verbs always accompany the base (infinitive) form of another verb having semantic content. In English, the modal verbs commonly used are can, could, may [without a capital!], might, shall, should, will, would, and must.” Or you can just follow the wordplay and hope for the best. Second is MO, plus D(ay), plus AL(l) and VER(y) “endless”, plus B(lack)
6 Old heating unit bust after time (5)
THERM Which I thought we still used, but apparently one therm is equal to about 105.5 megajoules, 25200 kilocalories, or 29.3 kilowatt-hours, which looks like a lot in any old or new units. T(ime) goes before HERM, which is (or you hope it is) a bust of some kind: “a head or bust (originally of Hermes) on a square base, often double-faced”.
9 Friend’s gone — I’m back inside (5)
AMIGO Rather more accessible: AGO for gone (in the past) with I’M reversed within, like it says.
10 Risk damage when drilling patent bucket? (9)
OVERTRAIN Which must be drilling as in square bashing. Patent gives OVERT and the RAIN buckets down.
11 Bogey fault west of Paddington? (7)
BUGBEAR Fault gives BUG, and Paddington is the quintessential BEAR. From Peru.
12 Annexe about to run into chalk ground (7)
WHITING Finely ground chalk can be used for various whitening applications. Annexe is WING (of a building) and run into gives you the HIT to put inside
13 Song at cricket ground such as Worcester and Oxford? (5,9)
LORDS SPIRITUAL are the 26 (of 42) Bishops of the CofE who are entitled to sit in the House of Lords. Five are Canterbury+, York+, London+, Durham+, and Winchester+, plus a selection of the rest, currently including those of Oxford+ and Worcester+, though they are only so entitled by seniority, the length of time they serve, unless they’re women, in which case they take precedence. To appoint them to this grid, imagine an African-American song such as Swing Low being sung at the Home of Cricket instead of Sweet Caroline or the dreary Don’t Take Me Home.
17 One — and he spends freely — showing this? (4-10)
OPEN-HANDEDNESS Sort of &lit. An anagram (freely) of ONE AND HE SPENDS. For once, one is not just I
21 Post Office note about label showing cost of carriage (7)
PORTAGE P(ost) O(ffice) plus the first random note of the day E, surrounding TAG for label. [On edit: as others have pointed out, the note is the sol fa RE, otherwise the R is missing]
23 Gradually destroy fuel element in reactor’s heart (7)
CORRODE Fuel element ROD, and reactor’s heart to put it in CORE.
25 Trouble holding double plastic bomb (9)
DOODLEBUG The V1 flying bomb of WWII. Trouble is DOG, and an anagram (plastic) of DOUBLE is held therein.
26 Best garden party? (5)
OUTDO Party is a DO, and one in the garden would be OUT(side).
27 Society dramatist of Elizabethan times in the manner of Fox (5)
SLYLY S(ociety) plus John LYLY, well known (?) for his plays Campaspe and Mother Bomble. We are not necessarily helped by the fact that Lyly is only one way in which John spelled his surname, given that our answer can also be rendered as SLILY
28 Happy to direct how refugees are often accommodated (9)
CONTENTED CON for direct (as in “you have the con(n) Mr Sulu”) plus well, yes, how refugees are often accommodated, TENTED
1 Stupid American encountered outside a dance (8)
MEATBALL I’m more familiar with meatball applied to surgery in M*A*S*H, but Chambers has it as US slang for a dull-witted person. Encountered: MET outside A in plain sight plus BALL for dance.
2 What comes in handy in golfing final (5)
DYING The final act for most of us. Hidden in hanDY IN Golfing
3 Witnesses lone rooks flying (7-2)
LOOKERS-ON Notwithstanding “a Crow in a crowd is a Rook, a Rook on its own is a Crow”. An anagram (flying) of LONE ROOKS. The given enumeration confirms the word order.
4 What makes one feel more able, say, to put up rent (3,4)
EGO TRIP EG for say, to put up for OT, RIP from rent.
5 Conflict in unruly bar row involving ecstasy (4,3)
BOER WAR a specific conflict, then, and an anagram (unruly) of BAR ROW and E(cstasy)
6 Show disapproval about tango and current music everyone plays (5)
TUTTI Italian/music for the definition. TUT for show disapproval plus NATO Tango plus I for (electric) current.
7 English spread out around Cape to destroy (9)
ERADICATE E(nglish) plus RADIATE for spread out with C(ape) inserted
8 Some years supporting males in household (6)
MENAGE Some years can be an AGE, here supporting MEN for males.
14 Concerned with a Conservative’s regular turns (9)
REPERTORY RE for concerned with, plus PER for a (tuppence a/per bag) plus TORY for Conservative.
15 Roused to manoeuvres round King’s royal emblem (5,4)
TUDOR ROSE Another simple anagram (manoeuvres) of ROUSED TO plus R for King.
16 What’s part of beach life? Eros, perhaps (8)
ASTEROID A double definition. Starfish are of the order asteroid(ea), though if they’re beached, they’re probably not beach life. Eros is one of the larger asteroids, visited (indeed landed on) by the NEAR Shoemaker space probe in 2001.
18 Old still drink with doctor in charge (7)
ALEMBIC The alchemist’s forerunner of the whisk(e)y still. Drink is the (less potent, usually) ALE, doctor MB, plus I(n) C(harge)
19 Figure month must lead to endless anguish (7)
DECAGON Random moth DEC, plus AGON(Y) for endless anguish
20 Minister’s adviser regularly gets suit (6)
SPADES I’m not sure how far the SP(ecial)AD(visor) has travelled beyond Cummings and No 10, but it makes an appearance here, with gEtS (regularly) added.
22 Dean not including verse in passage (5)
ALLEY For once, dean is not ecclesiastical but geographical, giving VALLEY with the V(erse) not included.
24 Chamber piece too much involving two separate keys (5)
OCTET Too much is OTT, and two more random notes, C and E (again) are separately included.
Thanks, Z.
Edited at 2021-11-18 03:19 am (UTC)
Edited at 2021-11-18 03:24 am (UTC)
Dear Reader, imagine my surprise…
DNK either of the meanings of my LOI ASTEROID. It fitted, I was tired, and my luck held. The only classical asteroid name I know is Ceres, which, like Pluto was originally classified as a planet. They have bizarre names now: montypython (13681), jamesbond (9007), morganfreeman (224693) etc
COD OVERTRAIN I like clues where a double word is split in a different way. Elegant.
Got MÉNAGE for household from a recent appearance somewhere.
COD 23ac CORRODE for keeping everything nuclear without being nuclear.
Edited at 2021-11-18 05:18 am (UTC)
So a DNF, rather than an Helsinki.
(LOI) 16dn a painful ASTEROID
WOD 25ac DOODLEBUG the Londoner’s 11ac, back in the day.
I had an ‘unch that this was the same setter as yesterday.
My gas bill still counted the damages in terms of THERMs, last time I looked (but I had the gas turned off a few years ago).
I really liked MODAL VERB! More grammar clues, please!
To my dad, a DOODLEBUG was a self-propelled railcar such as was seen at the trainyards where Papaw worked. But I may have seen the explosive meaning before…
Edited at 2021-11-18 06:12 am (UTC)
My luck may / might / must be due to run out soon, even if I got MODAL VERB this time – enumeration and wordplay aren’t always so helpful.
For the moment I’ll state my solving time which was 52 minutes. I had queries against 7 answers on completion of the grid although I knew my answers were correct. I reckoned I’d have needed a good 15 minutes looking things up afterwards if I had been on blogging duty but as things were, I was just happy to finish the puzzle and turn off the light for the night.
Edited at 2021-11-18 07:46 am (UTC)
Couldn’t parse EGO TRIP, WHITING or SPADES, either, till I came here.
Several GK holes HERM , SPAD, ASTEROID (I only know Eros as the Greek god of love and Piccadilly Circus fame!) DEAN, and MEATBALL for stupid. Never worked out what Worcester and Oxford were doing.
Thanks Z and setter.
COD: SPADES. I approve of “SPAD” entering the Times Crossword lexicon.
His Psyche true!
40 mins left Spiritual ungot.
Too clever for its own good.
Thanks setter and Z.
Liked the hidden DYING, but COD to corrode for the fuel rod in the core.
WOD by a country mile DOODLEBUG. My mother, now 94, Oldham born and bred, mentioned her wartime memories to me many times during my childhood. Doodlebugs were much-feared, and everyone – even young children – knew that when the engine sputtered and went silent, the bomb was about to do its damage. She also described how much she enjoyed the communal singing in the air-raid shelters (and how this caused her to miss quite a bit of her schooling).
Thanks setter and Z
Edited at 2021-11-18 09:08 am (UTC)
“On Christmas Eve 1944, 45 Doodlebugs were launched off the Yorkshire coast from beneath Heinkel He111 bombers flying over the North Sea. The bombers released the V1s aimed at Manchester, then turned back to base. Many of the missiles landed harmlessly; the worst was at Abbey Hills Road in Oldham where 27 people were killed.”
Rather interesting to find that out – thanks for prompting me!
COD to MODAL VERB, which must rank with ‘fronted adverbial’ as the most useless piece of schooling ever (blame Gove).
23′ 18″, thanks z and setter.
Finally sorted out the mess in 28 minutes although, like others, didn’t have a clue about ASTEROID!
I think clue 28 is flawed. The grammar of the clue demands an adverb or adverbial phrase in the answer. You can’t be ‘accommodated tented’. ‘Tented’ describes the accommodation itself, not the manner in which it is provided.
Thanks, z.
Had trouble with:
THERM – NHO HERM, stared blankly at T_E_M for a while before moving on
BUGBEAR – Spent a long time trying to refashion Bogey plus something else
DOODLEBUG – couldn’t see this included an anagram; what’s the indicator? Plastic?
SLYLY – NHO and left blank, but should have guessed at this from fox-like
MEATBALL – weird americanism but got there eventually.
ERADICATE – RADIATE for “spread out” makes sense in retrospect
ASTEROID – flummoxed.
ALLEY – NHO Dean for VALLEY before.
Getting there, day by day.
Edited at 2021-11-18 04:38 pm (UTC)
Thanks for confirming, much appreciated.
Edited at 2021-11-18 12:26 pm (UTC)
MODAL VERB — no idea before now — I went to a comprehensive where such notions were apparently unnecessary — either that or the teachers didn’t know what they were either.
THERM — what else could it be? I knew nowt about those mentioned in Z’s parsing. No idea about HERM being a bust.
LORDS SPIRITUAL — educated guess with enough checkers
DOODLEBUG — failed to parse. Spotting Trouble = DOG might have helped.
SLYLY — another inconsequential nobody to add to the list.
CON = direct? NHO it.
ASTEROID — my shakiest guess. No idea about the beach life. Eros as asteroid must have rung a vague bell.
ALEMBIC — a word I only knew from a brand of bass guitars. Now I know what it means too.
SPADES — completely unparsed.
I thought the Lord’s spiritual might be a hymn sung by the Barmy army, without any idea how Worcester and Oxford worked ( as usual with Oxford I looked for a shoe to shoe-horn in to the answer).
All ended well in 31:30
I’m sure he’s lurking about
No birds in the Times
No need for good rhymes
He’s probably gone walk about
DNK our dramatist Lyly, though it couldn’t be anything else from checkers. NHO MEATBALL in that sense, though it was again the obvious answer.
FOI Octet
LOI Whiting
COD Lords Spiritual
Pleased to work out modal verb and at least I avoided another disaster like yesterday when I was utterly defeated in the SE corner.
Thx setter and blogger.