A small confession: my solving is currently spasmodic, and when I clicked on the crossword as the clock ticked over into Thursday, Wednesday’s grid occupied my solving attention until I submitted and found myself in an impossible 78th place.. A very fine crossword outclassing today’s still impressive, if somewhat easier version. I rolled this over in 16 minutes or so, with enough to enjoy along the way particularly some cutesy definitions. The perhaps less well known sage at 2d you’ll recognise if you mentally put Maha (“great”) in front of it.
I present my dissections with clues in italics, definitions also underlined, and solutions THUS though with different letters, duh.
1 Detectives attending fight where vehicles broken (9)
SCRAPYARD Place (Scotland) YARD detectives in the immediate vicinity of a fight renamed as a SCRAP
6 Son opening unwanted mail in sudden attack (5)
SPASM Lovely SPAM, wonderful SPAM? Well no, obviously, because no-one wants it, but you won’t be able to resist the tune. Insert a S(on).
9 The Spanish sovereign defeated contender (5)
LOSER I wasted time with EL and REY, but it’s LOS and our own beloved sovereign ER
10 Part I for instance (9)
CHARACTER Playing the role of a part in a play. The sans serif font used for our clues doesn’t disclose whether it’s a number or a letter, but I prefer the letter I Anyway I is also a character
11 One sliding in card from most valued suit: hearts win (7)
TRIUMPH Not spades, then but a card in whatever suit has been declared TRUMPs slide in a I (one or I again) and add H(earts)
12 Pseudo intellectual’s beginning to reform incestuous king (7)
OEDIPUS An anagram (“to reform”) of PSEUDO and I(ntellectual) for Sophocles’ most famous and complex creation
13 Guide with current deals to include southern archipelago (7,7
CHANNEL ISLANDS Well they are a group of islands, so an archipelago, though I don’t think I’ve ever heard them so described. Anyway, CHANNEL for guide and then I think you have I for current (see 3d yesterday) LANDS to mean deals (though I think that’s a bit of a stretch) and an included S(outhern)
17 Daydream, perhaps, as France is divided (14)
DEPARTMENTALLY One of those whimsical, sideslip definitions introduces the more prosaic one. If you daydream, you could say you DEPART MENTALLY, but probably wouldn’t, hence the “perhaps”. Caesar had a different take on France’s structure: “Gallia in tres partes divisa est” but you can’t make it fit
21 Local vessel that’s managed single-handedly? (7)
TANKARD Local because it’s in a pub. Just a cryptic definition, then.
23 Official exploited having had appeal turned down (7)
REFUSED The official is the B’stard in the black, the REF plus exploited: USED
25 Depression caused where shattering blow follows blow (5,4)
PUNCH BOWL A specific depression in Surrey rather than a generic feature. An anagram (“shattered”) of BLOW follows another word for blow, PUNCH
26 Roman censor to suppress new division in poem (5)
CANTO I mean, there must be other Roman Censors byut it’s usually CATO. “Suppress” N(ew)
27 One who’s stopped lying about knight from the east (5)
RISER A reverse (from the east) of about: RE and knight: SIR
28 Command corrupt peers’ exit (9)
EXPERTISE “Corrupt” is as plain an anagram indicator as you could wish, apply to PEERS’ EXIT. Perhaps not the meaning of command you were expecting
1 Fish, holding shortened rod in biannual event (8)
SOLSTICE A shortened rod is a STICk the fish is a SOLE. Assemble
2 King is greeting seer or sage (5)
RISHI Trust the cryptic, or learn Sanskrit. King: R, is: IS )(obviously) and greeting: HI
3 Obsession that keeps one going to matches? (9)
PYROMANIA More cryptic definition.
4 Everyone catching salmon in the drink (7)
ALCOHOL The Pacific salmon or COHO turns up occasionally on these shores). ALL for everyone “catches” it
5 Inhale smoke from small flame-throwers? (7)
DRAGONS A whimsical definition derived from DRAG ON for inhale smoke from plus S(mall)
6 Glass shattered in vertiginous building? (5)
SHARD a piece of broken glass and the building next door to the Times London office and venue for the champs
7 Not liking river, boy rising on opposite side (9)
ANTIPODAL I can’t imagine why anyone would describe themselves as ANTI PO, but they would be not liking that particular river. LAD for boy “rising” completes our grid emtry
8 Bad-tempered beast devouring ram’s head (6)
MOROSE The beast is a MOOSE, the ram’s head R
14 Figures under a pound in extensive range (9)
APENNINES Nines are figures, A PEN the same as a pound
15 Answer terrific that’s muddled mechanic (9)
ARTIFICER Another generously signposted anagram, “MUDDLED”. Apply to TERRIFIC plus A(nswer)
16 Characteristic events on radio offended Vatican (8)
SYNDROME If heard on the radio, offended: sinned sounds like SYND, add in the Vatican’s ROME
18 This ultimately destined to leap, when developed (7)
TADPOLE A tricksy &lit, with destineD and TO LEAP being developed
19 Attention and fuss that protects listeners (7)
EARFLAP Attention: EAR and fuss: FLAP
20 Accommodates, as it were, men in drunken state? (6)
STUPOR Accommodated might be the same as PUTS up, and puts “up” gives you the stup bit. Men as so oten, are O(ther) R(anks)
22 Hate Sailor Short’s guts (5)
ABHOR Sailor is AB, the guts of Shorts is/are the HOR
24 Pharaohs in Aida retaining Egyptian land (5)
SINAI Today’s hidden, in pharaoS IN AIda
Edited at 2020-01-30 03:36 am (UTC)
Edited at 2020-01-30 08:16 am (UTC)
I did wonder whether Ninas were intended. The one at 3d is good advice for our current Australian summer. And did someone offend the setter (on the day of the Crossword Championships perhaps) to result in the one beginning at 21a. Of course, it could be my over-active imagination…
Thanks, Z, for the usual high-standard blog. And I’m glad that you got to complete yesterday’s fine offering.
FOI 6ac SPASM not a building in London!
LOI 16dn SYNDROME ugh!
WOD 7dn ANTIPODAL – Shanghai is antipodal to Los Charrúas, Argentina
Time 27 minutes.
Wuhan has a Bund and is where Mao had swimming lessons. ‘Er indoors’ old fellah was a Terracotta Warrior. That bit alone is worth the ticket. I was wed in Xi’an in 1998 it is terrific- great food – generally the worst food in China is sadly found in Shanghai.
The good news for you is that I won’t be in Shanghai in May but in Germany and UK with gigs in Berlin, Hamburg, London, Oxford, Cambridge and Leighton Buzzard.
Edited at 2020-01-30 09:47 am (UTC)
One of my four bears was Chinese – Malaysian Chinese from Penang married to a Scotsman local administrator. We figured out our generation is 1/128 Chinese ancestry.
Is there a typo at 14dn, z? I don’t understand the second bit although I get the parsing.
I don’t often do a COD but it really liked 18dn
Edited at 2020-01-30 06:36 am (UTC)
Really liked STUPOR, very clever. A smile at DEPARTMENTALLY too. Didn’t parse TANKARD as didn’t picture it mentally.
Thanks z and setter.
Anyway. The crossword, yes: at last something I could manage in less than an hour! 28 minutes, in fact, with 1a SCRAPYARD starting me off and 16d’s SYNDROME to finish. Along the way I enjoyed 17a DEPARTMENTALLY and 20d STUPOR and didn’t really get hung up anywhere for too long. Not hard, but fun, I thought.
Edited at 2020-01-30 09:17 am (UTC)
Thanks for The Monkees reminder. Fifty-two years young this year.
Apart from carelessly entering “antipodes”, which was quickly altered when I saw DEPARTMENTALLY, I had little difficulty. An enjoyable puzzle.
TIME 10:38
Confusion of the day… how does ‘deals’ mean ‘lands’?
Very enjoyable. I was mullered yesterday as others, so mucho happy.
Edited at 2020-01-30 01:15 pm (UTC)
FOI Scrapyard
LOI Rishi
COD Departmentally
(I mean Marshal could mean to steer, couldn’t it?).
For the former I got fixated with “on radio offended” leading to a homophone for dissed, and of course DYSD….would have been a possible letter combo (for the moment let’s just ignore the fact that no words begin that way). It was only when I worked on the Vatican end of the clue that the penny dropped.
As for Canto, I never know who any of those stupid old Romans are. Cato, Cinna, Cassius, Cicero… the list of the blighters whose precise role I have absolutely no idea about is endless.
Edited at 2020-01-30 03:29 pm (UTC)
The 16th hole at St Austell Golf Club in Cornwall has been called The Punchbowl for over 100 years. The green sits over a capped tin mine shaft and forms a deep bowl shape. At barely 100 yards long, it is just a flick with a wedge, hit the green and the ball always feeds to the hole side. I believe it holds the record for the most holes-in-one.
For those not familiar with the Shard, it stands 1017 feet tall and is the tallest building in Western Europe. There are viewing decks on the 69th and 71st floors for which they charge an eye-watering £30 for the privilege. An alternative use for your hard-earned cash can be found in the cocktail bar of the Shangri La hotel on the 52nd floor – the view is just as good!
As it happens I have just been investigating the costs of going up The Shard. The cocktail bar in the hotel sounds a good alternative.