Maybe it’s because I’m out of practice, because I’ve not been crosswording much of this past week, but I struggled through this over 45 minutes (and four seconds), hoping that it was tricky, and not just me. Early entries included odd letters where they could be deduced and not much else. There seemed to be rather a lot of reversals, particularly in the down clues where there was quite a bit of upping involved. There’s also the rare sighting of (almost) the same word providing two definitions
My usual custom puts clues in italics, definitionsin underlined italics, and SOLUTIONSin bold capitals
1 Sob stuff from sailor, by the way(6)
PATHOS My last in today, perhaps not the most obvious definition. The wordplay is the relatively easy O(rdinary) S(eaman), a sailor, by the way which isn’t ST or RD or AVE but PATH.
5 Unmask Tories perhaps there and then (8)
OUTRIGHT One definition of our entry in Chambers is “at once” which takes care of there and then. OUT for unmask, and RIGHT for Tories, currently not much “perhaps” about the right bit
9 Highly inaccurate description of pauper (5-3)
BADLY-OFF Double definition, the first whimsical
10 A singular gesture brings delegate (6)
ASSIGN Simple enough: A S(ingle) SIGN
11 Isolated dispatch received by French company in recession(8)
EREMITIC Think hermits or Obi Wan Kenobi on Tatouine. A French company styles itself CIE when we might say Inc, just a contraction of Companie. Reverse it and insert REMIT for dispatch. Think transfer or send money.
12 Get wind of doctor breaking law(6)
RUMBLE Another easy one pretending to be tough, the doctor being an MB, and the law broken thereby a RULE
13 Specially adapted troops shadowed guards(8)
TAILORED Shadowed: TAILED “guards” OR, other ranks, troops
15 Using last of inherited money, break the bank (4)
DYKE The last letters only of inheriteD moneY breaK thE
17 Support holiday deferment (4)
STAY A triple definition, for which my first guess was REST, perhaps a bit shaky for the third, but not impossible if you squint a bit (and are desperate enough)
19 Notice investment of 50 made to settle account(8)
PLAYBILL Settle account is PAY BILL, insert the L for 50
20 Deceptively simple forces (6)
IMPELS First anagram, “deceptively” SIMPLE
21 Former knight abandoning leader’s standard (8)
EXEMPLAR Our former knight is an EX TEMPLAR, who loses his head
22 Temporary work on set? (6)
ACTING A double definition well disguised. An acting prime minister (for example, is a temporary one. We can but hope
23 A large deer in the midst of very small flies (8)
VAMOOSES A large deer, MOOSE set between two common abbreviations, V(ery) and S(mall)
24 Force displaying which female MP has issues(8)
EMPHASIS Could I spot the hidden? Not until it kicked me where it hurts. Its in femalE MP HAS ISsues
25 Like croissant idiot picked up and consumed?(6)
LUNATE My recent French breakfasts made the crescent shape of croissant pleasingly familiar, and that’s what lunate means. LOON for idiot supplies its sound only, plus ATE for consumed
2 A definition — lowering constant speed (8)
ALACRITY You need the A, then think CLARITY for definition, and drop the C(onstant) a couple of places
3 Be sick of entertaining the Spanish premier’s wife (8)
HELPMATE Developed from the creation of Eve in the AV version of Genesis “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” We create the same from be sick of: HATE surrounding the Spanish EL and PM for premier. Currently the Presidente del Gobierno de España is the rather dashing Pedro Sánchez
4 Screen test where exposure prevails over justice? (4,5)
SHOW TRIAL I take this to be a double definition of sorts, the first for cinema or such, the second for the kind of situation where the trial is for show and justice can go hang
5 A pair of transmitters and convertor safely relocated (9,6)
OLFACTORY NERVESWell, it’s an anagram (relocated) of CONVERTOR SAFELY. These nerves “transmit” smell sensation to the brain, and, depending on how you v=count them, you’ve go two (one per nost ril, natch) or loads
6 Ring head of state up, showing good judgment (7)
RESOUND The head of state is our gracious ER, here unceremoniously tipped up. SOUND for showing good judgement
7 Smoothest tripe served up almost unsurpassed (8)
GLIBBEST Tripe here gives way to BILGE, itself then only almost complete and reversed (another “up”) followed by BEST for unsurpassed
8 Showy TV full of error, beginning to end(8)
TINSELLY The TV is the demotic TELLY, replete with SIN for error with the S dropped to third place
14 “Skinny” male swimming with pride (9)
EPIDERMAL I hope I’m not the only one who toyed with lions, but it’s a straight anagram (“swimming” of MALE and PRIDE
15 Overrule order in stopping assignation(8)
DOMINATE Order is OM (Order of Merit), in is IN, both together “stopping” DATE for assignation
16 Tipped favourites look to maintain the pace (4,4)
Another reversal, tipped (up) of PETS for favourites and PEEK for look
Another reversal, tipped (up) of PETS for favourites and PEEK for look
17 Comrades rolling up blue carpet (4,4)
SLAP DOWN Carpet as in berate etc. Comrades are PALS, and, my oath, another up, this time rolling. Add DOWN for blue or depressed
18 Joining a presenter with hardly any foreign capital(8)
ADJACENT A presenter becomes A DJ, possessing A CENT, which is generally as small an amount of foreign currency as can be imagined
19 Italian dish from area south of local river supplied (7)
POLENTANice of the setter to qualify the river with local, as it allows us to remember the PO, the Italian river that isn’t the Tiber. Supplied gives LENT, and the A comes from Area, which is placed south of everything else.
Would have been me too had I thought of it, but I got to the answer the way I did and was content to stay there, even if it felt like a bit of a skate.
Otherwise mostly straightforward, but a long time bringing alacrity to mind even though I knew what word I was searching for. Badly-off LOI with a shrug.
Quite liked “skinny”, the olfactory nerves, and the hidden. And Lunate: with L_NATE in place an alphabet trawl of the verbs was required 😉
Curiously, PATHOS was my FOI, but it led me to think the puzzle was not going to be easy. I was right, and I didn’t do my cause any favors by biffing ‘episodic’ and ‘dike’.
I like the idea of an acting Prime Minister – they didn’t bother to elect one, they just hired an actor to play the role.
Edited at 2019-09-26 05:43 am (UTC)
The clue I spent the most time staring blankly at, even with the checkers in place, was TINSELLY, though PATHOS and EREMITIC weren’t far behind.
COD to HELPMATE (and thank heavens it had come up recently — in another tough puzzle) for the smashing surface
I can’t say there was anything completely off my radar here apart from CIE as a French company (I was simply playing with FR and CO) but expressions such as OLFACTORY NERVES and words such as EREMITIC (not recognised by my newly installed spellchecker) are not exactly in daily use in my household.
I had the same parsing as Kevin for SHOW TRIAL.
MER at SLAP DOWN for ‘carpet’. The first, for me, is to deploy a sharp retort in response to something stupid but ‘carpet’ is to deliver a right old telling off.
Edited at 2019-09-26 10:38 am (UTC)
I’m not sure I got 20% of it before giving up and giving Solskjaer the job.
40 mins to leave 11ac. After a couple of dramatic, aromatic alphabet scans, I gave up.
Apart from that, I loved it. Mostly I liked: Keep Step, Slap Down, but COD to the ‘skinny’ swimmer.
Thanks setter and Z.
Curiously, Inc was the equivalent offered in my version of Chambers. Perhaps the efitors thought another foreign version would be more appropriate.
Incidentally the story of the creation of Eve, as received, is a mistranslation which has been used to help justify patriarchy for thousands of years.
Thanks z and setter.
Edited at 2019-09-26 09:17 am (UTC)
NHO HELPMATE either, so had to rely on wordplay there.
Enjoyed the deer and the shininess, and I think I groaned out loud (sorry to a train full of people in the Leamington Spa area) at “skinny”.
I biffed EMPHASIS, and had to come here for the parsing, and also biffed “olfactory senses” until VAMOOSES alerted me to the error of my ways. Even then I had write out the anagrist, which got on my NERVES. Not my favourite puzzle I’m afraid.
TIME 18:41
Even before that it was tough, with ADJACENT and almost all the NW corner taking an age to fall – apart from BADLY-OFF, which was my FOI.
It is too! Amended.
ulaca (I’m told my IP address is temporarily banned)
Much obilged. I had similar trouble with Mary J.
Edited at 2019-09-26 12:20 pm (UTC)
Excellent workout in the end, and (soemwhat) encouraged that it even took the mighty Magoo more than 10 mins
Full details in the paper & online tomorrow.
Those of us who made a decent fist of things last year should be receiving our “complimentary tickets” soon.
Thanks for all the comments, I wasn’t the only one then…
The NW corner was the last to fall for me.
Loved skinny.
A real challenge and I had to admit defeat on 9a. Great puzzle.
Edited at 2019-09-29 09:32 am (UTC)