Thursday, 31 January 2019
Another pleasant Thursday stroll accomplish in 15.47, making sure of the wordplay elements perhaps marginally extending the time. I abandoned that search for certainty with the very last clue, though it turns out it’s much easier than I thought. Funnily (morbidly?) enough, I have recently been using today’s Latin phrase (hopefully well enough known) with reference to the potentially lethal device I carry for the sole purpose of maintaining an upright posture (see below). I was very nearly caught out by the most common of abbreviations masquerading as a proper word at 10a. There are a couple of literary references to test the unwary, though both can be guessed if not known.
For your delight and enlightenment (unlikely, but you never know, I present my SOLUTIONS with their clues and definitions below.
1 Daughter with cosmetic obscuring face, one concealed under bonnet? (8)
DIPSTICK D for Daughter, add LIPSTICK with its “face” obscured. For the benefit of our colleagues across the Western Sea, a bonnet is what you call a hood.
5 Severely criticise event (6)
HAMMER Two definitions, the latter an event if field athletics
9 Small change disrupting her plans (8)
SHRAPNEL An anagram (“disrupting”) HER PLANS. To be honest, I thought this was one of those private definitions known only to family or friends, but ODO has it: simple enough, of course, small bits of metal those annoying, virtually useless small coins cluttering your pocket.
10 Turning away dogs, room’s cleaner (3,3)
MRS MOP Reverse POMS for dogs (Pomeranians) and RM for room. That MRS took me ages to see in my last entry, something of a perennial blind spot. The Mrs Mop referenced in my heading was from ITMA and had two p’s, though how you could tell on steam radio I could not say
12 Switching parties in America, proof leads to strong protest (13)
REMONSTRATION Proof is DEMONSTRATION, change the D(emocrat) to R(epublican)
15 Bowled some rubbish, I sweep (5)
BESOM Perhaps the least well known of the three B4letters words for a sweeping device, this one formed either by tying twigs to a stick or attaching B(owled) (today’s cricket) to a “rubbish” version of SOME
16 Mental disturbance? Black out in ferocious weather (9)
RAINSTORM Take B(lack) out of the mental disturbance of BRAINSTORM.
17 Penetrating eye, walking round hospital (9)
THREADING As in threading a needle, TREADING for walking round H(ospital)
19 Still very warm in river (5)
PHOTO That sort of still, with HOT (certainly very warm) dunked into the River PO, one of the setters’ most useful rivers.
20 One perhaps blue enjoying such delight? (1,5,2,1,4)
A WHALE OF A TIME I think this is a kind of cryptic definition, inviting you to connect blue with whale.
22 Say, two or three rupees for coat (6)
PRIMER Two and three are both PRIMEs, add R(upee) to produce your (under)coat
23 Pasta ration in mess, about one gram (8)
RIGATONI The medium sized tubes of pasta, made from a mess of RATION placed around 1 G(ram)
25 Deny secret agent’s returned, cover blown (6)
NEGATE I like this one, the surface being very pretty defying you to spot it’s a reverse hidden in secrET AGENt
26 Look again for university job (8)
RESEARCH A nice ‘n’ easy twin definition
1 Hand out from court not available in area on island (10)
DISTRIBUTE The area is DISTRICT, from which the C(our)T is made unavailable. The island is BUTE, somewhere north of Watford.
2 Knock up a good score (3)
PAR Knock RAP is “up”. In proper golf, I concur it represents a good score in that I’ve only ever beaten it once in proper golf. Jim?
3 Highest-ranking corporal finds love in Sevenoaks, say (7)
TOPONYM “A place name”, which Sevenoaks is. Our corporal is NYM from Henry V; being highest ranking he is TOP with 0 for love. A mildly better version of the clue might have had him find love in Eastcheap, home to the Boars Head Tavern and landlady Nell Quickly: I don’t see why Sevenoaks is the selected place other than serendipity.
4 Caught scarlet woman on meadow in town (12)
CHESTERFIELD That’ll be HESTER PRYNNE, the adulteress from The Scarlet Letter. C for Caught (cricket 2) and FIELD for meadow. A slightly jarring image: while undoubtedly liaisons of a rumpy pumpy nature may happen in meadows, meadows are rarely found, if at all, in urban settings. Unless of course you know different.
6 A bug is initially stopping contactless transaction (3,4)
AIR KISS Mwah! A bug: IRK IS plus the first letter of Stopping.
7 Police arresting people over room wrecked with one skull perhaps (7,4)
MEMENTO MORI “remember that you must die”. Police are the MET, people are (in approximately 50% of cases) MEN, ROOM “wrecked” gives the O MOR bit and one the – um – I. My daughter recently purchased a walking stick for me with this memento mori on it
8 Not very good as a painter? (4)
ROPY Another double definition, the second a bit of Uxbridge “rather like a rope/painter”
11 Two types of reserve, including chief, not attending (6,6)
TAKING NOTICE The two types of reserve are the ever helpful Territorial Army and ICE, the chief is a KING, and not is NOT. Assemble.
13 Badly handling fog on river — worrying (11)
MISTREATING Fog is MIST (for our purposes, ignoring distinctions), river is R, and worrying is EATING as in What’s Eating Gilbert Grape.
14 Beggar’s roguish clothing finished with (10)
IMPOVERISH That’s beggar as verb, as in beggar my neighbour. Roguish supplies IMPISH, which surrounds OVER for finished with
18 One probes a part of body most painful (7)
ACHIEST One I crops up for the third time, this time “probing” CHEST for part of the body. A appears as itself to commence proceedings.
19 Pressure to produce milk, short of time? Calm down! (7)
PLACATE P(ressure) and LACTATE for produce milk, minus its T(ime)
21 Spread pate, leaving half in tin (4)
SPAN Half of PAte in SN (or if you’re being pedantic, Sn) for tin.
24 Poet’s finished — please reply, omitting verb (3)
O’ER (Though you can’t put the apostrophe in). All it is, I think, is radiospeak OVER for please reply minus its V(erb). Took me ages post solve to work out how you got from RS(V)P to o’er. Shouldn’t have bothered.
Otherwise, all I can say in my defense is that Mismanaging only has two mistakes – one too few a’s in Miasma (fog on river) and one too few g’s in nagging (worrying) – but if you ignore that it hits all the crossers but one. It took me a quite a while to give up such an obviously close error. Nice blog, z, and thanks to the setter
Sevenoaks is used because a toponym is a name referring to some topographical feature, in this case, presumably, seven oak trees.
I would not have gotten Mrs Mop so easily, only it appeared in some puzzle fairly recently – might have been the Guardian.
I take the topographical feature point, though Eastcheap is named for the East market as distinguished from the West one. There is a list of “biblical toponyms in the US” on Wiki, none of which seem to have any geographically significant determining features. The usage seems pretty hazy beyond the obvious “place name”
“A place-name; a name given to a person or thing marking its place of origin” (OED). Toponymy is the study of place-names
Edited at 2019-01-31 06:08 am (UTC)
As far as I was aware, the abbreviation for Rupee was Re, Rs or INR and not just R.
Thanks, Z, for NYM and HESTER.
After the devastation wrought by the 1987 hurricane, the joke was that the town was renamed ONEOAK.
Edited at 2019-01-31 05:40 am (UTC)
Edited at 2019-01-31 06:09 am (UTC)
No ‘Switching parties in America’ needed, ‘proof’ is ‘strong protest’. Only trouble is, it’s the wrong answer.
Favourites were the bland ‘attending’ def for the tricky 11d (my LOI) and the word BESOM, though it’s even better in the sense of a lazy or impudent (usually) woman.
Thanks to setter and blogger
Enjoyed 17’s “penetrating eye”, the reverse-well-hidden 25 NEGATE, the nicely-misdirected definition at 11, and 15’s BESOM (had me looking for an improbable hidden.) DNK Nym or Hester, but as our esteemed blogger observes, that’s not too much of a handicap today.
Overseas solvers might be helped towards random UK town names in future by knowing that both “chester” (e.g. CHESTERFIELD, Manchester) and “caster” (e.g. Lancaster, Doncaster) are common in place names here as they derive from “castra”, a Roman military camp.
I happened to know everything else, other than why Hester was Hester, which wasn’t really a problem.
Add me to the list of people who didn’t realise SHRAPNEL was so widespread. Since the advent of contactless payment I find I never carry it. You don’t even need it for parking meters now.
Edited at 2019-01-31 08:05 am (UTC)
40 mins with a pain aux raisins. Hoorah.
After yesteday’s Nappy and Army, when I saw Ropy I thought ‘uh-oh’. Then I thought the CHester must be CHarlot for too long.
Mostly liked: Primer, Negate and Span.
Thanks setter and Z.
LOI was TAKING NOTICE, although had SAVING for the first word for a while, but in the end couldn’t justify SAVING NOTICE as a thing so had another look.
I’ve used Shrapnel for a good number of years so that was a write in given the fodder.
Thanks for the parsing at 1d Z, I didn’t have the foggiest what was going on there but it couldn’t have been anything else.
FOI 2dn PAR (more golf!)
COD 5ac HAMMER with silver to 19ac PHOTO there were plenty of bronzes too!
WOD 9ac SHRAPNEL we get plenty in Shanghai but strangely Beijing eschews small change and small notes are all the go in the capital!
Didn’t 7dn MOMENTO MORI hang himself from Blackfriars Bridge, or was that his brother?
Edited at 2019-01-31 08:45 am (UTC)
I knew this fine company would come up with examples. Are the Meadows so described still grassy enough for discreet fumbling?
Very enjoyable puzzle that was a steady top to bottom solve. Liked 25A – excellent construction. Nice blog z8
My under PAR gross scores z8. I’ve been fortunate enough to have 2 holes in one, 2 eagles on par 5 holes, and a lot of birdies but then I have been playing for nearly 40 years!
Never broken level par gross, although equalled it a few times. Won’t happen now I fear.
In my only hole in one, the ball landed twenty yards short of the green, hit a rock, bounced high in the air, kicked off a mound, landed on the green and rolled in. There were three of us on the tee, but only one of us had good enough eyesight to see what had happened.
CoD for me was PRIMER.
One of my former partners, a daughter of Musselburgh, would berate her teenage daughter as “a wee BESOM”. I suspect it’s very much a localised idiom.
FOI SHRAPNEL – a common word in the taxi trade around these parts. I used to keep a Tupperware box full of it in the luggage bay. We had a really annoying regular customer who would invariably tender a £20 note for his £3 journey to get change for his ongoing tram fare. He never tipped, and I would take great delight in telling him I had no fivers, and only four pound coins, sending him on his way with an ample supply of silver (and copper if I was in a particularly evil frame of mind). If he remonstrated, I would remind him “There’s only one rule with money : can I spend it ?”
LOI HAMMER – spent a long time thinking of the wrong sort of event.
That might be in UK, but down here in the colonies we have rules, enshrined in the Currency Act (1965).
Coins are legal tender up to:
20c, for 1c and 2c coins;
$5.00, for 5c, 10c, 20c, 50c coins;
$10 for $1 coins;
$20 for $2 coins.
More than those amounts are not considered legal tender.
https://banknotes. rba. gov. au/legal/legal-tender/
with spaces to be rmoved after the full stops.
In the pub trade, as in taxis, shop talk often used to be about cash handling (presumably these days it’s about contactless card machines), so SHRAPNEL was a write in. A colleague used to point out when regulars were “coppering up” at the end of the month i.e. had obviously been digging in piggy banks and down the back of sofas to gather the wherewithal for a pint.
I actually preferred yesterday’s puzzle to this one.
Edited at 2019-01-31 01:30 pm (UTC)
Pom = a Pomeranian dog is in the Shorter Oxford.
R = rupee is in Collins. It’s not a setter’s job always to go for the obvious.
TA was the abbreviation for Territorial Army from 1921 to 2014 with a break of 12 years (1967-1979) when Volunteer Reserve was added and it became TAVR, so it was well-established and is still perfectly acceptable in a historical context even if the organisation it represents has changed its name to something else.
Edited at 2019-01-31 08:48 pm (UTC)
Found this old puzzle in a heap of photocopied ones from days of yore. Took two fairly longish sittings and a fair bit of referential help at the end to get it completed. Finished with what looks like most others with ROPY and TAKING NOTICE – both of which took even more time to actually seeing how they worked properly.
SHRAPNEL was commonly used down here for loose change and was entered during the first half of the solve. First one in was SPAN after battling with SPAM for some reason for too long.
TOPONYM was a new term and then had to confirm that SEVENOAKS was so named.