Greetings, barred grid fans for the all 3’s edition of Mephisto
Author: glh
Times 28972 – decidedly not 11
Time taken: 8:36. Might be an end to the run of Tricky Thursdays.
Mephisto 3331 – Robert Teuton
Greetings, barred-grid fans!
Times 28960 – yarr mateys
Time taken: 15:18. Yes, it’s Tricky Thursday!
Mephisto 3329 – Take a bow Tim Moorey
Greetings barred-grid fans. Since I blog the odd-numbered Mephisto puzzles I rarely get first response on a special puzzle, but in this case I have the pleasure of writing up the 500th and final Tim … Read more “Mephisto 3329 – Take a bow Tim Moorey”
Times 28948 – international learning
Time taken: 13:43. Looks like we have another Tricky Thursday puzzle on our hands!
Mephisto 3327 – Robert Teuton
Greetings, barred-grid fans.
Times 28396 – size matters?
Time taken: 14:02. Though I was initially taken aback by the size of the grid, which appeared much larger on my screen than I am used to. Not sure if there was a site update … Read more “Times 28396 – size matters?”
Mephisto 3325 – Tim Moorey
Greetings, barred-grid fans.
Times 28924 – in which we scramble for an excuse
Time taken: 19:43, and once I limped to the finish there was one horrible typo.